Chillingworth Hester Dimesdale Heart

Even though this chapter lacks, compared to previous chapters, symbolism, foreshadowing makes up for it. I found two moments of foreshadowing which I believe are important, one when chillingworth asks for the name of Pearl’s biological father, and the other is in the last few sentences when Hester is afraid she has made a bond that will “prove the ruin of her soul.” To this chillingworth replies “Not thy soul… No, not thine!” , which is obvious, that the reference is to Dimesdale, Pearl’s father, soul. The first moment of foreshadowing is when chillingworth says “Thou wilt not reveal his name? Not the less is he mine. He bears no letter of infamy wrought into his garment, as thou dost; but I shall read it on his heart.” The connection between the scarlet letter and the heart was made in the previous chapters, where hester places her hand over the scarlet letter and at the Dimesdale clutches his heart to try and hide his shame.

Its hard to establish why Chillingworth chooses to stay, whether its to get revenge or just for the good of Hester and Pearl is unknown, yet Hawthorne gives the reader many clues and hints as to what is going to happen to Dimesdale, by the hands of Chillingworth. At the same time though, Chillingworth’s actions make it extremely difficult to try and figure out what will happen next, especially with Hester; the truth being that Chillingworth’s motive for staying might as well be to get revenge on not only Dimesdale, for taking his chance of having a family, but also Hester, for not staying true to him even though they were so far apart.