When there is a problem in the world, everyone should unite and try to find a solution. In the expert and graphs from “Chocoholics Take Note: Beloved Bean in Peril,” The New York Times introduces and informs us about the shortage of chocolate. In this world there are too many people eating chocolates and too little chocolate is being produced. Even just imagining no chocolate scares people. In the article “Chocoholics Take Note: Beloved Bean in Peril” they mention the situation of the shortage of chocolates. It states .”..
Cocoa farms around the globe are failing, under siege from fungal and viral disease and insects.” This is a major problem. Due to diseases and insects, the cocoa isn’t being produced. It also states “Researchers predict a shortfall in beans from the cocoa tree.” If there are less cocoa bean’s it means less chocolate. “Nobody wants to lose chocolates.” This is an important statement. If there aren’t going to be any chocolates, people are going to go crazy.
The cocoa farmers are going to have a problem. However, finding the solution is not always that easy. As shown in the graph The Biggest Sweet Tooth, the United Stated has the largest consumption of cocoa. People in the United States are eating more and more chocolates, that is one reason why there is a shortage. Many researchers are trying to figure out a solution. As stated in the article “The closer it can be grown to a more or less natural state with some natural predators, that’s when you ” re going to really talk about a sustainable system.” One solution to the shortage of cocoa is by producing the cocoa beans in a more natural environment.
This would help in producing a more stable system. Also the article states, “Researchers are also working to fight directly the diseases and pests… .” Researchers are trying to get rid of the diseases that are hurting the cocoa production. This way they might be able to save the cocoa beans.
The shortage of chocolate is growing day by day. Without chocolate, it is difficult for many people to survive. Researchers are doing their best to solve this problem.