The short story Class by Sherman A lexie is a tale of a half-white, half Native American man named Edgar trying to find his sense of belonging in the world. The story begins with him meeting his future wife. Her name is Susan McDermott. Shortly after they are married Edgar discovers his wife is cheating on him. So in turn he starts cheating on her. Then years latter she becomes pregnant with their first child and loses it.
Edgar always felt like she blamed him for the dying of there first-born. To put it simply, their marriage wasn’t a happy one. The conflict arises when they are first married. Most of Susan’s immediate family doesn’t attend the wedding because Edgar is part Indian. The conflict is that he often feels oppressed by the white class of society because he is half-Indian. This combined with his own personal guilt of not being more in touch with his ethnic background.
He feels guilty because he has so much and his people as a whole have so little. Also he has a white wife, almost as if to say he accepts his white lifestyle. He first shows curiosity in his ethnic side one time, when he hires a prostitute. He asks for a Native American woman, but in turn receives a white women dressed like an Indian.
The conflict comes to a climax one night after a diffused session of love making with his wife. He decides to go out to a bar. He goes to an Indian bar, so he can hang out with his people. He gets in a brawl and gets knocked out by a big Indian.
The Indian yells at him to go back to his white environment, and pretty much that he is a disgrace to his people. When he is asked why he is there he says he wanted to be with his people. In short, the bartender tells him that he shouldn’t feel guilty of his lifestyle because any Indian at that bar would die to have it as good as he does. He than goes home finally realizing that he shouldn’t boggle himself trying to figure out what class he belongs in. He is both, and he finally accepts that.