College Application If you ask me who the most influential person of my life Is, I wouldn’t have to think about it twice. My English Teacher from my junior year in high school Is the most positive person I have ever known; her name? Is Mrs. Schoenbucher and she is encouraging, always Friendly, permanently offering help and always there For you when you need somebody to talk. You might ask What does that have to do with my college application? I have always been a really good pupil, always went to Class on time, never skipped school, permanently good grades In addition, I Have never been disrespectful to a teacher.
In my junior year I had a math teacher, Who really took the fun out of math; he didn’t treat Me fairly and really gave me a bad time in math. I lost my Fun on math and stopped to study for it. I even started Skipping my math classes because I had such a hard Time getting along with this teacher. I am pretty Sure you can foretell what happened when I stopped studying for math and started skipping it -exactly, my Grade dropped -I failed the class and I have never Failed a class before. The math problem led to other problems, too; it took away all my passion for Attending school.
Consequently, my other grades started to get Worse too. I was afraid to talk to anybody, I didn’t Have the courage to speak up and discuss the problem. I Felt lost like a wild animal imprisoned in a small cage. I was walking in a dark tunnel and couldn’t find the Exit.
My English teacher Mrs. Schoenbucher, with whom I get along very well was the first person to recognize that something was wrong with me, so she Took me aside and asked me what was wrong. I said “Nothing”, but I just couldn’t hold it in anymore my eyes Were starting to get watery and I started to cry. Mrs.
Schoenbucher encouraged me to talk to her. I told her everything that was in my heart, all the Problems I had, and all the frustrating experiences from math and How it started to affect my other classes and took away the fun of going to school. Mrs. Schoenbucher told me That everything was going to be alright; she said she would talk to my math teacher About my problems, so I could see his point of view. She also Encouraged me to talk to my parents about my math Problem at school and that all helped me.
If she Wouldn’t have been I probably would never have had the Courage to step up and I would have lost the passion on School and failed my math class. The next day I talked to my math teacher and after his Talk with my English teacher he was able to see my Problems better and also understand me better. It also helped me because he told me his point of view And helped me to understand him better and recognize that he didn’t mean it in a bad way when he is strict to me he just wants us to be prepared for college. Two weeks later I had regained my fun of going to school And my grades were better then ever before. From this Whole incident I learned that it is important to talk to People if you have problems. I want to do that too.
if Other people have problems either at school or outside I Always encourage them to talk to me and I try to help Them as good I can.