Comparative Essaythe Great Gatsby Muriels Wedding

Comparative Essay The Great Gatsby / Muriel’s Wedding “They ” re a rotten crowd. You ” re worth the whole damn bunch put together… .” This phrase of complement that Nick Carro way expressed to towards the end of the novel, deemed to encapsulate the sentiment that is expressed in both written and visual texts of The Great Gatsby and Muriel’s Wedding respectively. We observe and can be drawn to even fathom a sense of admiration for both Jay and Muriel, as no matter what problems they are faced with, they seem to hold a sense of dignity about them, which it seems can never be extricated from these fictitious characters. Possibly the most versatile and differentiating aspects to a film, would be the themes associated with each individual movie, texts etc. It is rarely that we come across a motion picture or anecdote with such specific similarities as The Great Gatsby and Muriel’s Wedding.

These two texts as well as visual texts seemed to show holographic alikeness in relation to specific themes and characters. In detail one of the most prominent aspects of the two narrative accounts that can be analysed are the themes associated with apiece. We observe clearly that both Jay Gatsby and Muriel’s Haslop are trying to attest to the social order and more importantly themselves that they can fit in and be equal as society sees fit. Both Jay Gatsby and Muriel Haslop seemed to think of themselves quite moral and unobtrusive people, although when we see the manifestation of their actions we can observe that they are really just basing their morals on personal preferences and more or less whimsical ideals. In contrast to the similarities of these two visual texts we can see that at the end of Muriel’s Wedding, Muriel seems to rectify her problems in regards to trying to fit in to society’s fickle opinions and the prospect that she is in effect absolved from any blame that could be placed upon her is readily recognised and excepted. However in the closing scenes of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is murdered and it seems that all his pain, sorrow and wont on love of Daisy Buchan non is taken with him.

This seems to symbolism that the American dream dies, trapped in a quagmire of dreams and superficial fantasies. An additional facet to the underlying symbolic themes that these two stories contribute to, can be seen when we analyse the significance to Jay Gatsby’s death as well as Muriel’s mothers, and how these tragedies came to fruition. Jay as well as Muriel’s mother seemed to both suffer the same fate, on account of trying to be seen as a somewhat equal to the qualities of which society held them to, in which they irrationally thought they did not possess. It would seem that all the characters in both The Great Gatsby and Muriel’s Wedding were looking for a deeper emotional fulfilment than anyone could confer in them, which left them with little faith in themselves. It was as though they had their own personal opinions of the ideals of relationships in marriages, which were programmed to their immediate satisfaction rather than long termed. The characters seem to hide behind their marriages as imaginary shields to the world’s obtrusive view on them.

Primarily the characters are unaware of the damages that they are causing to their close friends and relatives as they commit such selfish acts. And it is until it is to late that they seemed to understand the gravity and how the problem impinged on others emotions and well being. As Muriel is portrayed as an innocent and unknowing young adult, we are also given the aspect that she is very self-centred with decisions vested in her. Alike with Jay Gatsby, he was perhaps the most pristine gentleman of the entire situate of people that surrounded him, but his unforgiving passion and desires for daisy finally overcome his well-mannered personality.

The resemblance in the two visual texts is quite easy to grasps in terms of themes and character analysis as we are faced with the same immoral values and attitudes throughout each. It is as though we can never overcome our instincts and struggles to control our inner desire.