A desire to com petite for should never be given way to another one aiming at comprehensive developement of students. Because the output of the former is cold, colorless praditors with no other passions and ideas but a craving for success, while the latter the creative and sapiential elites. The desire for higher education itself can’t provide students sufficient impetus to accomplish study career they deserved. Many students are so trapped in the obsessions derived from their families demanding them to take courses that are pre-law, pre-medical, pre-business, all in fact “pre-rich” that they are deprived of the rights to enjoy pleasures during the process of studying out of which they can continuously fashion their philosophy. What’s more, some of them can’t sustain such a heavy spiritual burden that become the victims of alcoholism, drug-use, even suicide. The problems appeared on the school curriculum convict that the desire to higher education alone, is not enough to constitute the sound future.
On the contrary, people who pursuits to be educated in the true sense instead of going to school lead their ways to their fairyland by getting rid of difficulties, even it is unconceivable. Hell an Keller, the typical beneficiary of education, described her feeling like that: “One thing I slowly learned was that knowledge doesn’t just mean power, as some people say. Knowledge leads to happiness because to have it is to know what is true and real. To know what great men of the past have thought, said and done is to feel the heartbeat of humanity down through the ages.” Contrary to popular opinions, a craving for higher education is an obstacle to stimulate students to dabble in miscellaneous fields out of their own specialty. Although many young lings appear all their time engaged in many crashing-courses, what they veritably interested in is the main points that can bring them a seria of certificates, not the knowledge itself. This crisis of modern education has been built for a long time.
It misleads education to betray its ultimate bearing, to cultivate students as oysters obtained pearls put by God than sausages to be filled with information. What’s more, students are too absorbed in the degree granted by universities and society to analysis their own interests, their own strong suits, to ask themselves what they indeed want from life. Bill Gates, who cares only about whether his present academic situation is suit for himself, made a decision to abandon his university and to grow on the fertilized ground of practical social concerns, filled with experience, wisdom and challenge. It is his care about what he can learn induce him into his success. Instilling the conception of competition for higher grades in early stage will inevitably form a illusion to a student, that his or her future can be, at least partly prepared. In fact, life is disposed to provide situations out of expectation, so it is f util to prepare any specific career, and to some degree, the more sufficiently prepared, the more puzzled they will be when confronting the mutable environment.
However, there does exist something fixed can be prepared — the “life skills” of logical thinking, analysis, creative problem-solving, cooperation, teamwork, and caring others feeling. These can’t be teach directly, but you can pursuit them with ardor and persistence whatever your major is. Over-emphasis on competition for higher grades has many other adverse effects such as hostility towards of opponents, lack of the conception of community, which are crucial in future career. At the begging of the third millennium of human history, we should return to the nature of education in order to avoid being nudged into a mire of the bombing information.