Conflicting National Interests After World War Ii

At various times in global history, nations have acted in ways that cause conflict with other nations. Germany had conflict with the U. S and Europe in two different situations. Germany and the U.

S had the Berlin airlift situation. Germany and Europe had the disagreement. The treaty of Versailles ended military actions against Germany in World War 1. The treaty had been signed for official peace between Germany and Europe.

In addition to the treaty of Versailles with Germany, the peace builders drew up separate treaties with the other central powers. The Germans, who complained that it had been dedicated to them, that it violated the spirit of the 14 points and that it demanded intolerable sacrifices that would wreck their economy, criticized the treaty. A couple of years after, the treaty was revived and altered mostly in Germans favor. In the end, the Treaty of Versailles almost surely caused World War 2. Had it been softer on Germany, the Weimer Republic would have had been strong and would not have faced as much economic and social problems. Had the treaty been harsher, Germany would not have had the power to make war.

Another conflict that Germany had was with the U. S. In June 1948, the Soviet Union attempted to control all of Berlin by cutting surface traffic to and from the city of West Berlin. Starving out the population and cutting off their business was their method of gaining control. The Truman administration reacted with a continual daily airlift which brought much needed food and supplies into the city of West Berlin..