Utilising the video case study of ‘Egg Finance’ (Slave Nation, Channel 4), critically examine the extent to which is used as an effective tool for the achievement of organizational goals. Corporate Culture is widely used in many organisations and has a variety of definitions. It has been defined by K oozes, Caldwell & Posner cited by Moorhead/Griffin, (1989: 494) as:” a set of shared, enduring beliefs communicated through a variety of symbolic media, creating meaning in people’s work lives.” The argument to be taken in this essay will identify the usefulness and necessity for corporate culture to gain organizational success. In order to do this the argument will be utilized by supporting the theories of Emile Durkheim, Carol Axtell Ray, Terrance Deal and Allen Kennedy.
Qubein (1999: 2), cited by Sadri and Lees, states that,” corporate culture encompasses several key elements.” He adds, “It is fostered not merely by a mission statement, but by a clear corporate vision which is a mental picture of the company’s desired future.” It is not only the managers who should have this clear vision, the employees ought to perceive this as well. They should feel the need that they want to help to achieve the organizations goals. When organisations follow corporate culture, they try to make their employees feel that they belong and are accepted for who they are, thus making them want to work for the company. Attempt is made to make the employees feel that their organisation is their religion. This has been clearly demonstrated in Egg Finance. Corporate culture has been extensively used in Egg Finance, and in doing so have captured the hearts and minds of their employees.
Each employee working for Egg Finance feels that “Egg” is their life. They feel safe and secure and feel that they are affiliated to the company. Carol Ray (1994) agrees with this as being part of corporate culture as she states that: “a corporation’s culture has an important purpose to promote a sense of belonging ness to the employees.” This has definitely worked for the employees at Egg. They even go to the extent of calling themselves an “egg person.” This ties in with the corporate cultural belief of Emile Durkheim and his approach.
Egg Finance have tried to create an “Egg World” for their employees. They have many out-of-work activities that their employees can participate in. These include; running, football and many more. Egg feels that if they involve their employees deeply into their organisation, then this will be a psychological way to brainwash their employees. Employees will feel that this is their only life, and will feel inclined to remain loyal to the company. This has clearly worked, as all employees at Egg seem extremely happy and proud to work for Egg Finance.
Through the use of management psychology and techniques, Egg Finance have developed hardworking and loyal employees. The management of Egg realise that this is something that had to be worked at, and that it would not happen automatically. This coincides with the view of Carol Ray (1994: 2), as she mentions, “The effects of culture should not be left to chance.” She adds, “Proper implementation then leads to internalization of desired values and norms.” This shows that in order for corporate culture to be an effective tool for organisational success, it will need to be implemented correctly. Employees must not feel that they are being used or abused. If corporate culture is implemented correctly, then employees should feel that their firms’s tat us affects them as well as the organisation. Athos & Pascale, (1982), cited by Ray (1994: 2), share the same opinion as this, as they have stated: If management meets this challenge, employees identify more completely with the firm and see their own interest as congruent with it.” This has been clearly demonstrated in Egg Finance.
Employees working at Egg believe that as an employee they should “work hard as well as play hard.” As the employees feel that they are treated as individuals and that they are treated well, in turn they will treat their customers as individuals. This will make their customers feel happy and satisfied with the service, thus aiding to achieve organisational goals. In order to gain corporate culture, Durkheim, (1901), believes that management will need to form and shape their employees. The management of Egg Finance have achieved this. Employees feel that they are being creative, nevertheless they are actually being derived from the management standardization. This has been done through the use of new computer technology.
The scripts produced on the screen is the driving factor for getting the work done. The managers of Egg have also embedded scripts into the employees’ minds as to how they should communicate whilst taking calls. Although they feel that they are being treated as individuals and are being creative, this is not actually the case in Egg Finance. In addition to shaping an organisations’ employees, managers will also need to control their workforce. This will only work if employees co operate with the rules and regulations that are set. Buchanan & Huczynski (2001) also feel that this is an important aspect of retaining their employees as they state: “Control is an important aspect of organisational behavior as it sets standards, measures performance and concerns correction of deviation from standards.” This has been portrayed in Egg Finance.
The employees have their fair share of fun, but there is also a certain level of tight control. This has been done, as mentioned previously through scripts and new technology. This is also known as Taylor ism. This is the dehumanizing and deskilling of the employees. However, the employees at Egg Finance do not feel that they are being controlled, thus making them strive to meet their objectives and goals. In order to gain good management and control, a Hands-on-Manager is required.” Peters and Waterman noted that the firms they studied insisted that their senior managers stay in touch with the firms’ essential business.” (Moorhead/Griffin, 1989, Organisational Behavior) Belief that managers should not operate from behind the scene can clearly be seen and instead they should take a personal interest in the factory floor.
The Managers at Egg Finance take an active role in the business and in their employees. This is all part of their corporate culture. They speak to their employees as individuals, and appraise them when necessary. This in turn makes their employees feel “special.” The employees then feel obliged to give their customers the same treatment. Thus showing that a company’s culture does play a key role in an organisations success. In Egg Finance, as shown in the video, it is clear to see that all employees are at harmony with one another, and also with the managers.
There is no apparent tension between them. This is all part of their culture and goes hand in hand with maintaining a content workforce. The cheery environment will shine through to the customers. In addition, the customers will also feel at ease, and without any unnecessary tension.
According to Ouch i (1980) cited by Ogbor J,” Corporate Culture is a necessary tool for the creation of a harmonious working relationships.” As mentioned previously, Egg Finance have created an “Egg World” for their employees. Even though the employees seem extremely satisfied with this approach, it can sometimes lead to alienation. At present this concept seems to be working, however, the question that should be asked here is, for how long can this egg world last for? Will the employees continue to call themselves an “Egg Person” or will they retaliate and want their individuality back? If this happens, then this can have a serious effect on the organisations’s success in the future, portraying that corporate culture can either break or make the company. Despite the fact that employees at Egg Finance are satisfied with their working environment, from an outside perspective this can easily be seen as a ‘slave nation’.
The employees at Egg are clearly not getting the same amount out of the company as they are putting in. However, because of all the benefits that they do receive from the company, they do not mind. They enjoy putting in a substantial amount of work in. As Darcuse Howe puts it:” Every slave should know that they are making money for their master, and what they receive is disproportionate to what they receive.” (Channel 4 Productions. ) If Egg Finance did not have corporate culture embedded in their organisation, then the employees may have felt resentment towards the company for all the work that they have put in. Their productivity level, therefore, may have dropped and this could have affected the company’s performance as a whole.
On the other hand, as mentioned, it is clear that the employees at Egg feel no resentment towards the company and are happy to work at their optimum. Corporate culture has not only been successful for Egg Finance, but it has also been successful for many other organisations. These would include Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Wal-Mart, Southwest Airlines and many more. Before corporate culture was implanted into Hewlett-Packard, the employees of the company felt ‘excessive pressure’ on their jobs. This could have easily led to lower production from their employees.
Hewlett-Packard instead changed their strategy of the company. They now have a more relaxed atmosphere, and despite the reduced hours that the employees are required to work, the production rates have not been dropped. An added bonus is the increase of the employee retention rate. (Qubein 1999, cited by Sadri and Lees). This clearly demonstrates that an organisation’s culture can affect its’s uc cession rate. In addition to this Wal-Mart consider its’ culture is the key to its success.
Although corporate culture can be extremely successful for organisations, it is not necessarily good for the employees. The employees do not realise that they are being controlled, deskilled and dehumanized. They are being brainwashed and are isolated from the outside world. If this was not the case then the employees at Egg Finance would not say that they live in an “Egg World.” They would also not work with their colleagues and socialist only with their co workers. One couple who met at Egg Finance even go as far as calling their baby an “Egg Baby.” As stated, although they do not realise it, they have been completely brainwashed, and if and when they do realise this and they stop cooperating, then there maybe some serious side affects to the success of the organisation.
In conclusion, I feel that corporate culture is an effective tool for the achievement of organisational goals. If employees are not happy at their work place then they will not perform at their optimum. The employees of Egg Finance are extremely happy in their working environment, and due to this they will be dedicated to their work and treat their customers well. If the customers are happy, then the organisation is bound to be successful. Good use of corporate culture also helps to retain top employees. In order for corporate culture not to break the company it has to be implemented correctly.
Mangers will also need to be aware not to isolate the employees entirely or the employees may retaliate, causing many problems. Thus showing that there can be weaker and stronger cultures which may affect the success of the company. As Edgar Schein portrays it, “The right kind of culture will influence how effective organisations are.” (Edgar H. Schein, 1992, Organisational Culture and leadership) BIBLIOGRAPHY o Thompson, P. , & Mchugh, P. 2002, Work Organisations.
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