The cost of caregiving rarely crosses a person mind. Long-Term Care costs average nearly $50, 000 annually according to an article I read. When thinking about this figure many people including myself mistakenly believe, “it won’t happen to me.” It is hard to imagine needing a caregiver when you ” re old, yet it is projected that 43% of people who reach 65 will spend time in a nursing home. Cost of caregiving is very expensive. My grandmother for instance takes at least $1000- $2000 every month just to be taken care of. She has her doctors visits, her prescription drugs, her certain food she eats etc.
Health care has skyrocketed in recent years. Most companies are offering limited insurance plans or none at all leaving the family responsible for high bills. Most people that need caregivers worked at one point in time. Unfortunately, there hardly enough social security to help with their expenses. One visit to the doctor can cost hundreds of dollars for the office visit charge, lab tests, and procedures that are performed. Prescription drugs are expensive; one month’s supply of some medications can exceed an entire household’s utility expenses for that month.
Special transportation needs not only take extra time, but extra money and effort… Caregiving costs involve getting, dentures, crowns, eyeglasses and some prescription drugs. Hearing aids and other devices are expensive. Also, people who become blind or visually impaired by conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts need other expenses.
They may need a seeing eye dog. A seeing eye dog is can become very expensive. Having a dog is just like taking care of another person. The dog needs regular visit the vet, food, supplies etc. The challenge of caregiving is expensive, both financially and emotionally. The stress can cause health problems for caregivers themselves.
Also employer are affected by caregivers. American businesses lose between $11 and $29 billion annually because of employee needs to deal with family caregiving issues. Caregivers are forced to leave the workforce, cut hours or turn down promotions to take care of loved one. Think about most people cherish their loved ones more than a job.
Caregiving is very expensive, but I feel it all worth is for someone you love.