Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs connected with people’s employees in their work and in management Composition 1010/53 Ms. L. WazirLisa Jirkovsky 21. November 2004 TABLE OF CONTENT 1 Introduction 32 Motivation 42.
1 Role of Managers in Motivating Employees 42. 2 Employee Motivation 63 Abraham Maslow 84 Hierarchy of Needs 9′ 9 Physiological needs 104. 1 Safety needs 114. 1. 1 sexual harassment 114. 2 Social needs 124.
3 Esteem needs 134. 4 Self actualization 135 Example home and host country managers 146 Conclusion 157 Bibliography 161 2 Introduction The following paper deals with the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, born in New York, who stated that every human being has 5 differently categorized needs that need to be fulfilled in order to provide healthy and happy living. In daily work managers need to respect and follow these needs so that employees will work most efficiently and effectively. Following these needs and trying to execute them is the best instruction for managers to motivate and provide successful working conditions. This paper will introduce you to the hierarchy of needs and will illustrate, by applying examples from day to day business how this concept can be best implemented. The author of this paper claims that managers can help their employees to be more motivated, if they look and work with Maslow’s stages.
The chief reason for writing this paper is to make clear how easily solutions can be found when it comes to giving incentives at work. First of all there will be a short overview of what motivation actually is, second Abraham Maslow will be presented in a few words and the author will go into details concerning the hierarchy of needs. There are the physiological needs, second there are the safety needs, third the love needs, forth the esteem needs and finally self-actualization. As a conclusion, the author will point out that the thesis, due to the supportive examples, can be claimed to be true. 3 Motivation ” Motivation is the process of satisfying internal needs through actions and behaviour’s’ When somebody is born it doesn’t mean he or she has motivation skills or the o their way round, it is something that can be improved or developed. ‘Motivation affects individuals differently, so managers must understand the process, theories, and fundamental components of motivation in order to motivate effectively.’ If somebody wants to understand motivation, furthermore it is also important to identify differences between people and be careful not to think that everybody has the same preferences.’ 3.
1 Role of Managers in Motivating Employees Managers have the task to get things very effective and efficient through their employees. Most of the really effective managers get all of their useful information from communicating with people. Managers must have communication skills that they are able to communicate with people so they understand them. They must give very good effort and commitment. Excellent managers must be able to support their personnel to raise their performance at their jobs, progress their knowledge, and recognize their full potential. If a manager wants to do this efficient he must know how people do their work and how to influence and control them.
This is sometimes very difficult for a manager because everybody is different and only one of its kind and has different habits, personalities, desires and comes from a different background. Everybody has a different personality and different skills and this depends on genetics, upbringing, education, friends and relatives, sex, work, religion and experience. In order to managers must be able to get a feel for an employee’s behaviour and be able to feel themselves inside them that they know how they are thinking and why they are thinking this way. As a result they will be able to take into account the expectations, values, and perceptions of their own employees and other people who they are communicating with. One of the most important tasks a manager has is to provide their employees with job satisfaction. If employees are not satisfied with their job they will not be motivated and morale drops and absence and lateness increases.’ Employee morale involves thoughts, feelings, and sentiments.
Factors that affect morale include the reputation or tradition of the organization, management’s attitude, job duties, co-workers, communication, and employee concerns’ Managers also have to be motivated themselves that they are able to motivate other people. They should go through the four C’s of motivation: confidence, challenge, competence and commitment. A good leading person must also be able to recognize his or her strengths and weaknesses, expectations and goals. It is also very important that managers work and communicate with people to solve problems. 3. 2 Employee Motivation ” Employee performance is greatly influenced by the workers expectancy of what the job will provide their attitudes toward personal achievement and advancement, and their wish for harmony in the workplace.’ People enjoy their jobs more when they have different opportunities in the job and can also implement their ideas and their way of thinking and has direct relationship to their job performance.
Today many people are searching for a job which not only brings a lot of money but which makes them happy and has some meaning to them. Employees want a chance that they are able to take actions and self advancement. Consequently a manager must be able to position an employee in the right job for which they have the most skills, abilities, talents and experience. Most of the people will put more effort in their work and increase productivity if their needs, goals, expectations, and desires are met. There are many different factors which can influence human motivation.’ People are motivated through expectations for rewards they value. Worker motivation is also influenced by the nature of the job itself, employment expectations, and physical as well as the emotional make-up of employees.” Managers can use different techniques to increase organizational efficiency and the performance of their employees.
Managers have to provide their employees with all the important information because this is very important for future productivity efforts because then workers will be more motivated. If somebody performs very good in a job managers should recognize it and if someone does his job not very good a manager should correct his employees. Also it is important that you as a manager give some responsibilities to your employees and that they have some say in the company, this is one way a manager can correspond the belief and trust that the employees are liable and in charge. Catt stated that, “workers respond best when they are given broader responsibilities, encouraged to contribute, and helped to take satisfaction in their work’. There are also two other ways to motivate employees the intrinsic motivator and the extrinsic motivator that people raise their productivity and performance level.
The intrinsic motivators would be for example a nice smoking room or clean and safe environment so employees feel good and benefit from this. An extrinsic motivator would be x-mas and holiday pay. To conclude most important is that a manager is able to communicate and listen to able to motivate the staff. 4 Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow worked as a clinical psychologist and established a theory of personal adjustment by studying patients for many years. He assumed that people grow up in different environments and have different needs and if their needs are not met in these environments, they will not be likely to function as strong, happy individuals. A lot of the reputation of Maslow’s approach is based on applying the same idea in organizations and management.
So when people meet all their desires in the job they can work and will function as effectively as possible. Abraham Maslow believed that people have five types of needs and these needs are activated in hierarchical manner. This means that the needs are aroused in a specific order from the lowest to the highest, and that the lowest-order need must be full filled before the next highest-order need is triggered, and so on. 5 Hierarchy of Needs Apparently when people are motivated in their jobs it is easier for them to be successful in what they do and how they do it. Consequently Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs affect employees and managers. For this reason a manager needs to know what his employees needs are, in order to understand the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy.
Physiological needs are connected with biological needs- rest, drink, foodstuff and sex. Safety needs are concerned with safety and physical well being and also including health, food, medication and work out. Personal needs are about individuals need for personal satisfaction-but not related to what others think or do. This for example includes self-esteem, freedom, fun… In total there can be listed five basic needs. 11 ‘Physiological needs These are basic needs like food, water, sleep…
If these needs are not fulfilled we get ill and do not feel good. If these needs are also not satisfied in our work we will not be as motivated as we would be if they were met. These needs in the connection with employees and managers are fulfilled because for your work you get money and this allows you to buy food, a house and mainly meets your physiological needs. However people from different countries have also did fe rent needs so in some countries housing is very important, more important that the higher stages of Maslows Hierarchy and if you will not earn that much money to buy this house what your physiological needs strive for, this need will not be fulfilled and you will be unhappy. For this reason this can affect your job in a bad way as a manager and employee. Managers have to know how they can satisfy the needs of their employees in this first stage.
As a result they give them coffee breaks and in the company fitness and exercise facilities to help them stay healthy. People who are too hungry or too ill to work will hardly be able to make much of a contribution to their companies. Supervisors in their home country would be much easier to fulfil these needs than if they would be in a different country because people eat different food in every country and have a different style of living so this can affect them. For example you worked many years in Vienna and used to live in a big house and then have to move to London for a job as a manager, and in London people use to live in flats which are very small and you are not used to this which can affect your work as your needs are not fulfilled and because of this you are perhaps not motivated to work in London. 5. 1 Safety needs Safety needs refer to living in a safe and sound environment where you do not have any fear from physical or psychological harm.
Managers who work in a country where there is a lot of crime in the streets they do not feel very safe when they go to work and this is always on their mind and may influence their thinking at work. As a solution, one could provide seminars for the employees on how to behave under certain circumstances in order that they feel safe. Many companies are provided with control and fire protection, life and health insurance plans that the people feel safer. In management there is a lot of competition and sometimes even mobbing and sexual harassment. 5. 1.
1 sexual harassment Managers have to try to prevent this as workers will get mental ill through this and will not be able to work properly. A good management can only work if people can do their jobs in an environment where they do not have any worries and problems. People who have problems in their working environment and do not feel at ease there they will never be able to motivate their employees and themselves. Mostly women experience sexual abuse in their jobs, about eighty percent.
Whether you a men or a women you have to learn the useful steps necessary to ensure a save and productive workplace. 5. 2 Social needs They refer to having contacts, to being loved and accepted by other people. Obviously when all employees hate you, you will feel this and this perhaps leads you to treat them not in a good way because of these feelings. In Management and a good company everybody has to work together, accept their employees because it is very important to have teams and groups in a company and if these social needs are not met it is impossible to work together. Managers have to bring people together not only during work but also during their free time that they can develop friendships.
In most of the companies you have x-mas parties or other social events and this is very important. For instance people behave different during work and on these social events individuals can get to know other employees and managers in different ways and maybe understand why they have to act this way in their jobs. Otherwise if someone has to move to a different country to work, for some people it is more complicated to make friends and this can lead to lonesomeness, so it is very important to welcome new employees and introduce them to everybody. As a manager you should not have any problems to meet new people because this is one part of their job, but one part of their job is to help your employees how to socialize if they have any problems with it.
5. 3 Esteem needs The fourth stage, the esteem needs, say that every person has to develop self respect and to gain some approval from others. People have to be recognized by others to gain some self respect. Managers get their esteem needs from other people because they gain approval from other people. Consequently they come up to you with respect because you are the boss. Executives have to try to respect also their employees and give them self esteem and self respect in their work, let them work on their own and let them bring up their own ideas.
In some companies there is the award for the employee of the month and through this people get more respect and self esteem. If you once won the price of the employee of the month you are perhaps motivated to win it again and again. 5. 4 Self actualization To conclude, if your needs are all fulfilled you are able to develop your fullest potential which is the stage of self actualization. An excellent manager has to try to give his best and also his employees have to try to develop all this needs the author has mentioned before. Everybody who has self-actualized is able to work most effective, efficient and at his best conditions and this makes good managers, employees and leads to a good management.
Managers from the top level reached all these needs and they now have to support lower-management also to achieve these steps. 6 Example home and host country managers This concept can lead to many problems between home country managers and host country managers. A manage who works in his own country has it definitely easier to fulfil his needs step by step. It is better for him to stay in a stable environment till hi is self-actualized, because then hi is able to make the best out of his job in this environment. The problem can be when you reached Abrahams Maslows final stage the stage of self-actualization and then you as a manager have to make jobs in different countries, sometimes you have to start again from the beginning step by step to fulfil your needs. Every country is different and in every country people have different needs and perhaps in china your needs are even not fulfilled in the first stage although they are fulfilled in your home country.
The author wants say that a different environment and different countries can affect managers referred to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. So for host country managers who travel a lot and move a lot to stay self actualized is not that easy. For sure in different countries you make different experience but referred to Maslow managers who travel a lot and their needs are because of this not fulfilled will not be able to work as effective as usual when all their needs are satisfied. And all this can affect a mixed management situation in a bad way. If you are a good manager you are able to cope with different situations and know what you have to do that your needs are satisfied.
Every person is different so a home country manager can have more problems with Maslow’s steps than host country managers. I think it depends on yourself what kind of needs you have and what you expect. 7 Conclusion This concept is applied in companies a lot but the top managers apply this concept while thinking about Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. For sure every manager heard about Maslow’s Theory but they apply his theory by thinking logical and not thinking about Abraham Maslow.
Every company is different and everybody has a different management styles but in a very good and successful company mainly people’s needs are satisfied. Moreover this concept is used in many companies whether managers think about Msalow’s Theory or not. Managers who use this concept will have a lot of success but first they have to try to fulfil their own needs and then they are capable to help the company to fulfil their needs. As the author stated in this paper the five steps of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in the combination with motivation you see that managers can help their employees to be more motivated, if they look and work with Maslow’s stages.
It helps managers and employees to work with a different attitude and to reach self actualization in the job. When people met all their desires in the job they can work and will function as effectively as possible. So as a manager you can and should bring Maslow’s stages in connection with motivation and management. Overall the author thinks that it is true what Maslow stated and can help you a lot in your job. 8 Bibliography Books Jerald Greenberg, Robert A. Baron, Behaviour in Organizations, Eight edition, 1995, Page 192 Frunze, George L.
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