“You have the right to remain silent,” the police office said as he lowered Blain’s head into the police car. This was the third time in two months that Blain had been arrested for shop lifting. His life had no direction. He would steal from stores, pawn them, and go buy drugs with the money.
He was the second of six children. They lived in a two bedroom apartment in downtown Harlem, New York. Since his parents couldn’t support his brothers and sisters, he thought the only way to make money was to steal it. His teachers at his were very concerned. He wasn’t passing one class. He was expelled for skipping school for the fifteenth time.
The next high school he went to was East Harlem High School. After two weeks he was caught breaking into the school and changing the grades on the computer. He was expelled again. He decided he wouldn’t pursue his next two years of high school. He decided to find a job to support him and his family. He worked at various fast food restaurants.
He was making at best minimum wage. He would then get fired for various as stealing or not passing a drug test. He was soon unemployed again. His dad had known a guy at the HBO studios. They called him up and asked if there were any job openings.
The man agreed to find Blain a job. He worked from 9 am-8 pm every dad as a janitor in the HBO studios. Every night after work Blain and a few other janitors would perform stand up acts for each other. They would pretend they were in front of millions on HBO’s Comedy Hour. One night while Blain was rattling off funny jokes and making hilarious faces, he was spotted by the producer of HBO’s Stand Up Hour. He offered Blain a spot on HBO’s Stand Up Hour because one of the comedians had become ill.
Blain gratefully accepted the offer. At first Blain was shy up on stage in front of thousands of people in the HBO studios. His first couple of Stand Ups were pretty good shows. His third stand up was at a Comedy Hour in Philadelphia. Blain was the star of the show. He was offered a show on NBC where he would have an opportunity to write, produce, and direct it.
The show was called “All Out There.” It’s first three seasons were very successful. “All Out there” had three nominations for the 1997 Emmy Awards. Blain’s career was skyrocketing. He was asked to appear on several of the late night shows. He became a famous celebrity.
Blain donated thousands of dollars to the homeless and hungry children so that their life may be changed a little. Blain’s biggest break was being asked to play the main part in the comical movie “Whatever.”Whatever” was a number one hit in the summer box office. Blain’s fame was enormous. He remembered the times back when he was in high school. He was very thankful to the producer of HBO’s Stand Up Hour for giving him a chance to change his life from a life of crime to a life of comedy.