Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am (your name) and I am here to speak about a problem, which is very conspicuous in India; and that is Cruelty towards Animals.
It is not every day that you hear people talking about this rather low priority subject. After all who is bothered about animals when there are so many problems being faced by humans? But I am one of those, whose heart cries silently whenever I see an animal suffering. I also know that the only way I can help is by creating awareness and empathy in the minds of large numbers of people. Which is why I am here talking about this subject.
Let me tell you a few examples of cruelty against animals:
It is not very unusual in India, to find cows sitting in the middle of a road, seemingly basking in the sun and having a good time. The possible reason for this in all probabilities is that the animal has been thrown out of a dairy farm after it has grown old and does not yield the required amount of milk. Some of you might be wondering what’s so cruel in freeing an animal from captivity. The cruel part comes when that same animal collides with a heavy vehicle and is found, cut into pieces, on road. The cruel part is also the emaciated condition in which they live because of malnutrition. Some of you might remember the case where a dead cow was found to carry 40 kilograms of waste plastic bags in her stomach.
The same goes with stray dogs. Now a days, it has become a trend to have pets. But the responsibility to care for the pet is not yet accepted. People keep pets but do not take proper care of them. The dogs are kept tied to a pole on a small leash the whole day and the owners do not even bother to take them for a walk or even feed them at regular intervals. They are beaten for barking too much, but dogs can not talk can they? The children of the family pull their tail, hit them, irritate them but if dog reacts only the poor dog is scolded.
Many owners shed their responsibility on a servant. What is he doing with him they are hardly free to ask? If the dog falls sick, many would not hesitate to just abandon him.
Monkeys are being caught by hunters and are made to do trick and if they do not obey they are beaten and whipped heartlessly by their owners. Even the animals in the wild are not spared. Their habitat is being systematically destroyed with increasing urbanisation’s and encroachment into even the reserved forests.
Elephant tusks are a very valuable item and that is why poachers cut them off.
But we forget that the tusks are valuable to the elephant also. What is worse is that the poachers leave the poor elephants to die a slow and painful death. Elephants in captivity are no better off as the mahouts ill-treatment of the animal is more a norm than exception.
It is very painful to see a bull or an ox, weak till the bones, carry a heavy load on its scraggy back, being whipped by its master. I have myself seen a man twisting the tail of the poor bull to make it go faster. This cruel act might have brought pity into my eyes but not in that spiteful man’s.
At many resorts I have seen picturesque birds being kept in small cages just to beautify the place. One can constantly hear them screeching loudly, trying to free themselves by pecking on the cage with their weak beaks. We have become so selfish that after gaining our independence we have forgotten about the freedom of other creatures.
I am sure by now that you all might have understood my point clearly.
I would like to say that the least we can do and should do is to spread this message to as large a group as possible and bring about awareness about the plight of animals in India. We can at least discourage the local street shows which concern harming animals. It is small steps like these which will eventually bring about an improvement in this otherwise dismal situation.
At the end I would just like to quote the famous words: “Live and let live!”
Thank you.