Day Of Judgment Signs Earth Doom

The earth is shaking, splitting open with red fire and clouds of smoke fill the air everything is out of focus. People are hysterically shouting, but the noise is too loud for anyone to hear. Is it a natural disaster that occurs in certain parts of the world? Or is it the end of the world, as we believe it? Judgment day or known as Doom’s day to others is said to be a day when everything in the universe will be destroyed. The belief of this day has been with us since the beginning of civilization. Some say it has been predicted in holy books such as the Bible and Quran (Koran).

We should also include scientific point of view. All claim that human civilization only moves towards its own destruction. The problem is we do not know, are the signs indicating it is hear? Christian religion is known as one of the oldest religions, claims the end is near. Referring to the Bible, all information about the doom’s day have been gathered and presented to their followers in order to help them to prepare for the terrifying days, most of these predictions come from the last book of the Bible; The Revelation. Signs of the final days are believed by some to be divided into several parts, each period approximately seven years or a millennium in Hebrew books (Long). According to Ray C.

Stedman, the beginning of the period began when four horsemen of Apocalypse appeared on earth each representing Death, Famine, War, and Deliverance. Are we a nation rising against nation? Yes. Is this a sign that the end or humanity is near? will we see it with out own eyes? As stated in the Bible, “For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew 24: 7-8). Many signs have occurred and still occurring now. From the cause of war, some nations stocks of food are dry and people living in these areas are dying of starvation.

Horrible weather and increasing amount of natural disasters will occur and get worse as time passes. Islam is another religion also predicting the coming of doom’s day. Muslim scholars have gathered information about the final day from the Quran (Koran). Opposite of Christians, Muslims are taught to believe in the Resurrection day as one of the five elements of Islamic pillars of faith. “On the Day of Judgement, to which Muslims believe that all humans are heading, each individual will be responsible for his or her own actions.” (Bowker) The signs of doom’s day are more detailed, except information as to when it will happen.

Muslims believe that only God knows when doom’s day will occur. Signs are divided into two, minor signs and major signs. In minor signs the first event taken place was the coming of the last prophet, Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah whom is the last prophet sent by God in 6 th century. (PBS) The most visible sign is the population of women increase till fifty women shall be for one man.

Major signs include, “Isa (Jesus) will come to earth and two tribal groups will break free of the dam that holds them back, and ravage the earth.”Finally, the most important sign is when the sun will rise from the West and smoke will appear all over the earth which will cause believers to catch something similar to a slight cold, whereas the unbelievers will be hit hard by it. Finally, a cold wind will come and kill all believers, leaving only unbelievers on the earth who will then witness the LAST HOUR.” (Ibrahim) With the tremendous scientific advancements of the twentieth century, we have placed our trust in science and technology to solve all our problems. Are there any signs occurring now to indicate the end is near? Yes here are just a few. “Every year, about half a million earthquakes rattle the earth. The majority of these are barely felt, but when a major quake hits, entire cities and hundreds of thousands of lives may hang in the balance.” In the Indian subcontinent alone, the recent earthquakes in the Terri region and the routine cyclones of Bangladesh are proof of what happens when nature roars. (Bunson) Famine is a fact.

Bangladesh, a country the size of Florida, has over 100, 000, 000 people in it and no food. India has 638 million; 618 million are malnourished, and starving. Ninety percent of earth’s nations produce less food than it takes to feed them. Weekly we see on TV and magazines, graphic pictures illustrating this prophecy.

In conclusion, of all the claims that are here regarding the Islamic, Christian and scientific point of view on doom’s day, we can see a one narrated point. The suggested point is sooner or later we will face the destruction day, only the matter is when? Spiritually, we do not have any idea when it could be happening, but we can see how our civilization is going and based on the signs this event could be sooner than we think. Nevertheless, the count down towards doom’s day has begun and will keep ticking until we finally realize that its here. Worked Cited Bowker, John. What Muslims Believe. Pg.

17 Bunson, Matthew. Prophecies 2000. web > /paranormal / doomsday /doomsday-predictions. asp.

Ibrahim. Signs Of The Last Hour. http// web MSA/fundamentals / pillars /signsofthelasthour. html.

Long, Duc an. Rapture and Tribulation. http//www. ducanlong. Com / science -fiction-fantasy-short-stories / r ature . html.

PBS. Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet. Life of Muhammad: Flash Timeline/PBS. web flash. shtml. Stedman, Ray C.

Four Terrible Horsemen. web /dp / stedman /revelation/4198. html Third Millennium Bible. New Authorized Version (NAV). by Deuel Enterprises, Inc.

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