Nelly, taking a walk around the yard, noticed that Heathcliff’s window was open and the rain was pouring in. The days leading to Heathcliff’s death, he finally managed to make some peace with himself and the world, as Cathy had in her death. But his changing mood and changed behavior could not make him a better person than he always had been. He died that night with a “frightful, life-like gaze of exultation…
and his parted lips, and sharp white teeth sneered too” (365). It is difficult to know what Heathcliff was thinking in his final moments. While her death was surrounded by sunshine, he died during a night of merciless rain. Despite her fits of temper and selfishness, Catherine was always a warm-hearted person deep down, as shown by the way she would stay to console people after hurting their feelings when she was a child.
But Heathcliff’s only expression of any compassion was toward Catherine; otherwise, he was as cold as the rain that soaked his lifeless corpse. The weather present at his death served as a fitting end to his tortured life. Emily Bronte makes good use of the weather in important parts of Wuthering Heights. The climates allow the reader insight into the minds, personalities, and situations of the characters, who are as complex as the settings in which they find themselves. Snow in the beginning of autumn is not surprising in a book where love is found, lost, and found again, sometimes in another person and sometimes in death.