Depression Drugs And Alcohol

Depression is more than the normal ups and downs; it is a serious illness that can affect anybody, at any age. Depression occurs frequently in teenagers and younger children. About 5% of adolescents in the general population suffer from depression. Depression is the world’s number one psychological disorder.

Modern research indicates that chemical imbalances in the brain cause depression. It could lead adolescents to have thoughts or even attempts suicide, and also to abuse . Symptoms of depression can be relieved quickly with psychological therapies and medications. Although chemical imbalances, which affect the way people think and behave, are not totally understood; treatments has been proven to work. The brain has a lot to do with depression. Research data indicates that people who suffer from depression have an imbalance of neurotransmitters, natural substances that allow brain cells to communicate with each other.

Two transmitters that associate with depression are serotonin and norepinephrine. Scientists think that a lack in serotonin may cause the sleep problems, irritability, and anxiety associated with depression. A decreased amount of norepinephrine, which regulates alertness and arousal, may contribute to the fatigue and depressed mood of the illness. Depression affects teenagers in many ways. The chemical imbalances that cause depression could lead children to abuse drugs and alcohol. Many teens that go through depression turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to help them feel better about themselves.

Yet in some situations, alcohol or drug use comes first, and depression is caused by: the drug itself, withdrawal from it, or the problems that substance abuse causes. Depression also leads teens to have thought or expressions of suicide. Each year, 500, 000 young adults ages 15 to 25 attempt suicide. Each year 5, 000 young adults succeed. Untreated depression is the number one cause of teen suicides. Suicide is in all neighborhoods, schools and in many families.

Around 30, 000 people a year commit suicide, 4, 000 to 5, 000 are between the ages of 10 and 24. In order to prevent suicide, psychiatrist, Jack Westman, and professor of pediatrics, Peter Karofsky, says: “Spend time as a family. Parents who spend time with their teens know them well enough to sense problems, avert disasters, and discipline without threats. Negotiating through everyday conflicts and disappointments will build confidence to weather more serious ones, and kids who have seen their mothers and fathers deal with difficult times will have models of adults coping with adversity and growing from it.” Instead of turning to drugs and alcohol, those who have depression should find a way to treat it. There are a number of different treatments for people who are depressed. Most people with depression can be helped with counseling or psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is where people go to talk about their feelings with a trained psychologist. The psychologist is there to help encourage people through their depression. They also focus on teaching skills in developing clear thinking, healthy relationships and effective behaviors that are causing their depression. Medicine is used for the more serious and persistent depressions.

There are many varieties of antidepressant medications that will help a person who has depression. All of the medications have different side affects. So if one does not work for a person, there are many more medications to choose from. Depression is a serious health disorder that is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. People who are depressed should not abuse drugs and alcohol, because in the long run it could just make the condition worse.

Both adults and adolescents who are depressed need professional treatment. Their disorder could turn into thoughts or attempts of suicide.