Deserves A Chance Image Advert Caption

that companies target the correct audience and ensure their message is seen, remembered and ultimately acted upon. Firstly, the advert must be eye catching so the person notices it. An advert could use colour and pictures. It may use different font types etc. Next the advert needs to be memorable so that the person can recall and possibly buy the product. This may be done by use of a jingle, logo or slogan.

Word association is often used too e. g. SURF >>> Strong, white, clean, pure, waves. It is also important that it maintains the viewers’ interest – this may be done by using humour, continuing storyline, music etc.

Finally, the advert needs to persuade the person to buy the product. This is mainly done by using special types of language such as: persuasive, emotive or exaggerated. Companies often utilize other factors such as special offers / limited period only to entice customers to buy quickly. These methods are used because it is believed that most purchases are made within a relatively short time after the initial advert. A delay may mean a purchase is never actually made. Plan 1.

Introduction: Explaining what I am going to do in the essay, and how I am going to set about it. 2. where the image is from 3. denotations and connotations of the advert. 4. devices of persuasion: Reward: Physical Psychological Punishment: Physical Psychological.

apply the above to the advert / image 5. content of persuasion: Grabbing the viewer attention Proximity and Prominence Co-option Co-option and stars Co-option of genre Slogans Popular songs Controversy Arousing curiosity Challenge or contest The unusual, entertaining or amazing The mythical world Narratives Fear, guilt and insecurity Fantasy, Escape, Nostalgia Consistency, Familiarity, Authority Memory and Action. apply the above to the advert / image 6. Conclusion: Summer ising what has been said in the essay, and condensing it into a paragraph Media essay “Using a print based advertisement for a charity of your choice, discuss the devices and content of persuasion used.” For this essay, I have chosen a print based advertisement from Oxfam. In this essay I will discuss the denotations and connotations of the advert, then the content and devices of persuasion used. The image, as I have stated before is from Oxfam.

It was taken by Geoff Sawyer for Oxfam. The image contains a picture of black children sitting down on the ground. There are three of them which face towards the camera. They are all holding pieces of white paper. While there are five bodies which are not facing the camera. They are either facing sideways, or they have their backs towards the camera.

The child sitting in the middle has their right finger in the ground. The child sitting to the left of the picture has their finger raised about two centimeters from the ground. In the background there is a source of light. But in the foreground there is another source of light that shines on the bodies, but mainly on the foreheads. All the children appear to be black. In the middle of the image, there is a caption saying: “I believe that every child deserves a chance.” There is also a white logo in the bottom left hand corner with “OXFAM” written in white.

What I perceive from the picture is that is seems to be a picture of a school in a third world country, where they are being taught to read and write. They are all copying what has been written on the paper into the sand. They all seem to be just copying what is on the paper, rather than learning what it means, or how to do it. It seems to be a mixed school, as in the foreground it shows a boy sitting in the middle of the image, and a girl to the right of him.

I am saying this because the one on the right has a ‘dress’ on, covering the upper half of her body like a dress, holding itself up with a neck tie, while the boy in the middle has a plain shirt on. They all seem to be under a shelter, rather than a building with four walls. I am saying this because in the background you are able to light shining. There is also the caption which states: “I believe that every child deserves a chance.” This could be referring to the fact that instead of writing on paper with pens or pencils, the children in the image are writing tin the sand with their fingers.

I think that the caption has been used to provoke a response from within the reader which should make them feel quite uncomfortable with what they are seeing. The purpose of an advertisements not to just sell an object, or a product. They are also used to create awareness of an from essay bank. co.

uk issue, or in this case, a campaign. Advertisers are able to do this by using ‘devices’ of persuasion. The devices of persuasion are a number of things that advertisers will use to enable the reader to take interest in their advertisement. One device of persuasion that relates to the advertisement is reward. Reward can be conveyed in two ways, actual and psychological. The Oxfam advert uses psychological rewards, as it does not give you anything physical in return for your support of the campaign.

The psychological reward would be the knowledge of knowing that if you do support their campaign, then you know that you may then be able to improve on the education of children, like in the image. As with every reward, there is a punishment. The punishment involved with this advertisement is implying that if you do not support their campaign, then you know that the lives of the children in the image will not change, and they will have to continue learning how to write, not by pen and paper, but by drawing in the sand. And thus, making you a bad person for not sharing your wealth, or even support towards those that are less unfortunate than themselves.

Advertisers are also able to raise awareness by using something called the ‘content’ of persuasion. The caption: “I believe that every child deserves a chance” will relate to the proximity of the reader. As the caption uses “I” to begin with. This has been done to enable the advertisement to relate to the reader more easily.

And if the narrative enables the reader to relate to the subject, the it is able to arouse their curiosity. Arousing curiosity may be obtained by the caption as it poses a statement, which the readers will look at, and will repeat in their minds as they read it. while they are doing that, they will also be thinking of how they may be able to relate to the caption. Thus making them more and more involved. So now the advert would have grabbed the viewers attention.

Once you have grabbed the viewers attention, this will then enable them to look past the bold caption, and into the image. When the reader looks past the caption, they will see the sight of a group of third-world children being taught how to read and write in the sand. This image will play no he guilty conscience of the reader, as they will know that if they support / donate to this campaign, they know that they are able to improve the teaching conditions of children in third-world countries. In my opinion, I feel that the advert ha been aimed towards mainly mothers. As mothers are generally the main carers of their child. And a mother will always want what is best for her child, and they will harbor those feelings from their child’s birth.

The caption “I believe that every child deserves a chance” will make women think more about the advert, than it would a man. This would produce a feeling of guilt, as every mother will defiantly want what is best of her child, and in order to have the best in life, you will have the chances to take the best of life. Oxfam has used this to their advantage, as they know that if someone would doubt the caption in someway, then they know that they would think about the advert more, and it arouses their curiosity for the campaign. Oxfam also now that by placing their logo in the corner, they are ensuring that people are able to recognise who is campaign is run by, and who to contact in order to support the campaign. In this essay, I hope to have shown you how the print based advertisement from Oxfam has used the devices and content of persuasion available to them. I also hope that I have explained the reasons why they have used them, and to what effect it may have.

Analysis of Adverts The image needs to be analysed by 7 things; 1) Position of the camera 2) Lighting 3) Composition (how is it set up) from revision-notes. co. uk 4) Framing 5) Focus 6) Objects and people (positioning of) 7) Meanings which result revision-notes. co. uk Other Notes in this Category Analysis of Adverts Semiotics and Media Language and S assure Technical Codes, Genre and Lighting Iconic – Signs which are what they represent Index ical – Signs linked o a certain aspect e. g.

cardboard boxes imply homelessness Symbolic level – Signs with de from revision-notes. co. uk ever levels of meaning e. g. American Flag – freedom Signifier – the physical form of the sign Signified – what the sound or image expresses Technical codes 1) Shot size 2) Long shot 3) Mid shot 4) Close u 5) Extreme close up Lighting Low Key – Dramatic, moody High Key – Bright and exciting Low contrast – Not many different colours, everyday High contrast – Dramatic, volatile Focus Deep – Look at everything Selective – Looks at most important subject Soft – When edges blur together Denotation and connotation REMEMBER: Keep the actual image separate from the interpretation of it. Den from revision-notes.

co. uk o tation – What is literally in the picture Connotation – Different interpretations which might be associated Genre We have genre because it gives the producer a list of ingredients which he / she can use to make an effective product. Audience expectations need to be met with genre in order for it to be successful. Critics and analysts use genre as a basis for comment Within Genre there is always the following components; Stock characters Stock Plots Stock situations, issues and themes Stock locations and backdrops Stock props and signifies Music Generic Conventions Description of Advertising. The advertisement pictures a man who’s looking quite busy but relaxed at the same time. If we take a closer look, he’s having at the same time a phone conversation, having a meeting with someone and practicing with a golf club.

Type of advertising. This is a typical example of financial advertising since this is a financial institution “Maybank” in this case advertising for a service it provides to it’s individual business customers mainly. The service in question is the automatic payment of bills through online internet connection. Consumer benefits.

The advertisement claims that through working with Maybank the customer can: Save a lot of time and hence do something more interesting and enjoyable to them. Can pay his bills in a single click through the internet. Can pay a most of his bills with various companies supporting the process. Target Audience. By examining the picture portrayed in the advertising, we can notice that the main target.