Determination Machines Project Pain

Determination am a very dependable person. When I start a project I concentrate and focus in it. I use my determination in all parts of my life. In school my determination has allowed me to achieve many academic accomplishments. In an engineering course I was given an assignment to design a house using Autocad. This house had to be designed to all of the state building codes.

My teacher had set up many different requirements for the project. It had to be an original design with four different types of architectural plans. This entire project was due at the end of the semester along with the regular homework assignments. My determination allowed me to complete all these tasks in almost one half the time allotted.

I received a 99. 7% grade for this massive project. My determination is what dove me to its completion. My determination also is extremely important at my part — time job. My job is to sell computers and many other business machines. Selling the computers and peripherals was not a problem, but when I started working I knew almost nothing about fax machines and copiers.

I was determined to learn about these new machines so I read the magazines and listened to the representative to learn about the machines. My determination is what helped me to learn about these products so that I could share my information with the customer. Now with my expertise in copiers and fax machines I can answer almost any question that customers have and perform almost any type of service necessary on them. Determination again is what lead me to be ahead in my field of study and work. A good wrestler has to have determination. When I was at a tournament in January of 1996 I broke my shoulder blade.

I was in the second and final match of the day when I broke my clavicle (I didn’t know that it was broken until a week later). This happened on a Friday night, and I was upset that I had lost the chance for the championship by two points. I knew that I would be wrestling for third place the next day so I would have to shake off any aches or pains that I might have. I woke up the next morning and my shoulder was throbbing. I thought that the pain would subside if I stretched out a bit. Stretching wasn’t helping the pain, I still was not able to move my shoulder.

As I prepared for my match I was worried that the pain would overtake me, and I would fail. Then my determination broke through and I pinned my opponent in the third and final period. Without my determination I could not have won that match. Determinations a powerful tool. Once I am determined to do something it is very hard to stop me. When I face a challenge I am confident that I will overcome the obstacle, and do my best..