Doesnt Understand Concept Apply Facts

I definitely agree that Students should memorize the facts after they have understood the ideas and concepts well but it depends on what we are talking about and also the age to which its being addressed. If they memorize the facts but doesnt understand the concepts well they will not be able to apply it in day to day lives but if they memorize the fact and apply the concept to the fact that makes learning complete. If the student memorizes that 2 + 2 = 4 but doesnt understand the addition concept then he / she will not be able to apply this for other types of additions for example 3 + 2. My daughter who is a Kindergartner knows how to do additions but she doesnt understand the place value concept behind that. Its difficult to teach that concept to a 5 yr old.

Infact we start teaching them to add first and then teach the place value concept. She is left with no other choice than memorizing the addition. But when the concept is being taught she must be able to make the connection to what is in her mind and to the concept and also at that point work on applying the concept with more challenging things. On the other hand we teach the students alphabets and the sounds it makes and after that words where they have to apply the sounds taught earlier to make a word. This way the concept is being taught first and it should be made stronger, than when they are reading words and sentences, its the concept is being memorized rather than facts. The whole learning hierarchy depends on what we are talking about, it cannot be generalised..