Back in the day. many people didnt understand the reason behind Berlesk houses. Well today, for the first time in my whole entire life, i will tell you! So it was the 1900’s. Men had no playboy, hustler or spice tv.
The women in that day wore huge dresses… with under garments down to their ankles. So what were the men to do. They had to resort to the good ol Berlesk house! Serving what we know know as Jack Daniels, burton was a great thingy. So their they were, the men sitting in the chairs wilting for sum great old boobs! So w uts with it… la hat fo go the yo until jack reatdrs fridge cheese, jona, kelly, milo, pills, kelo…
micheal want hood any more, and they didnt know what was going on. So he was dead until he was ten years old. Then he told them no chickens please, i only eat salmon. and then they left to go to the ferris wheel so he cud chew tobacco.
Lisa was there drinking her booze while she was under the heat lamp. The next day he went to school to find how much junk was in her locker. “please dont do it. please!” Her cat then ate her home work in her locker and she pleaded to her cat “dont jimmy i dont want you to eat my geo homework” Its not worst it. Kelly then told lisa. /…
wood dont go to mr. cheese alot hes not gunna be there! ! ! AHHHH she said as her boobie fell out the ceiling killing jonas ass.