Drunk Driving Students Colleges Problem

There is no doubt that the problem of drunk driving has reached academic proportions in America, especially among young people. Rob Waldron has seen his share of accidents that have had something to do with the consumption of alcohol. The most tragic of these events came when his brother, who attended a frat party and drank heavily, took his own life in a drunk driving accident. Waldron believes the death of his brother could have been prevented if colleges would take responsibility for the actions of students on their campuses. Colleges should look at the activities of students and develop ways to allow students to conduct traditional campus activities (such as fraternity parties) without putting their own lives in danger.

Drinking will not stop on college campuses; it is part of the college experience. However, administrators can develop rules and regulations to ensure the safety of students who choose to drink. Abolishing social houses will not solve the problem, as Waldron states. Rather, colleges should fund security of some kind to prevent drunk students from driving around campus.

Waldron’s family proposed a fund be developed to pay a police officer to patrol the main entrance to the Middlebury campus and stop drivers who appear to be intoxicated. The campus shot this idea down. The problem will not be solved until there is intervention by colleges. Colleges seem to be hands off when it comes to the controversial issue of . Waldron believes that colleges refuse to touch this issue, because “taking responsibility for drinking and driving will make trustees and college presidents legally liable for college students’ drunk-driving behavior.” This is true, however, colleges have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all students regardless of the nature of their activities. Drinking and driving will never be controlled until colleges seriously look at the issue at hand and develop some way to control it.

There are several steps Waldron suggests colleges do to help the problem. Among these are interacting with local police and developing a policy for students who drink and drive. Another step that may help the problem is contacting organizations such as S. A. D. D and M.

A. D. D to help open students eyes that this is a real problem. Intervention on the administrative level may be the only solution colleges have to stop drinking and driving.

Students are too irresponsible and naive to realize a problem exists. They will continue to drink and get behind the wheel of motored vehicles until college administrators develop strict regulations to deter students from such activities. Drinking at college will never stop, but students dying in drunk driving accidents can. Colleges need to take action against this problem to prevent the deaths of students. The problem will never solve itself and students will never solve the problem, so it lies in the hands of administrators and college presidents to tackle the issue at hand.