Education Organization Systemic Reform

the organization into which it is placed; and that the failures of technology to alter the look-and-feel of schools frequently result from a mismatch between the values of school organization and those values that are embedded within the contested technology itself.”Creating Learning Communities: Practical, Universal Networking for Learning in Schools and Homes” A McArthur Foundation Report that contains 100’s of school networking tips gleaned from 670 references, contains over 100 URL’s relevant to school networking, and provides ways to strength home / school connectivity. School Reform From Columbia University, reviews of articles, bibliographies, and monographs on school reform. Rethinking Education Reform The Fall, 1993 issue of the Stanford Law & Policy Review examine how best to restructure America’s educational system. Educational Reform and The World Wide Web A collection of material from Al Rogers at GSN. Systemic Reform: Perspectives on Personalizing Education Essays on systemic reform sponsored by the Department of Education.

Total Quality Management and Radical Change in Education: Chicago school reform meets TQM Donald R. Moore — Designs for Change Silicon Valley Initiative The 21 st Century Education Initiative’s mission is “to spark a local educational renaissance — a new community commitment to build a world-class educational system that enables all students in Silicon Valley to be successful, productive citizens in the 21 st century.” Live Text Technology & School Reform These readings concern issues related to the roles networked digital communication and multimedia can play in enabling effective educational practice and reform of the public schools. It also includes servers of electronic texts, journals, and hypertext documents related to education. From Columbia University. Current Awareness Subject: EDUCATION REFORM: A Bibliography. This service is provided by the Education Information Center of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

It is updated monthly in support of the dedicated educators of our North Carolina schools.