1. The Changing Face of Medicine Electromedicine offers a viable and effective alternative to drug therapies. Having been used in several countries for decades, there are many inherent advantages to electromedicine. These include the following benefits: Non-invasive Easy to administer Non-toxic Safe and effective Minimal side effects, easily avoided Reimbursable 1. 1 What is Electromedicine? Put simply, electromedicine is a discipline within the field of medicine that deals with the use of electricity to aid in the treatment of a variety of physical ailments. A fresh look at physiology is needed to solve the most intractable of all human medical problems.
Physiology students in most of the western world are still taught that life is based on a chemical model. Perhaps the reader can remember a high school biology teacher holding up a small bag of powder stating that the bag represents the entire contents of a human body, except for the water. However, if one were to add water to such a bag of powder and completely reconnect all the powder into a human form, the new human would at best be just a solid statue. Obviously, something besides water and chemical compounds is missing from this paradigm. Rather than view life processes on a chemical basis alone, it is more helpful to view them on an electrochemical basis.
All atoms are bonded electrically. This is a basic foundation necessary to understand electromedicine that was taught during the most elementary training in the basic sciences. Furthermore, in our rudimentary training, we learned that there are voltage potentials across the membrane of all cells. All standard physiology textbooks define the Nernst and Goldman Equations to determine membrane and action potentials. They do not, however, speculate on the staggering significance of these facts. And this is what the new electromedicine is about.
If batteries are placed in series their voltage potentials are combined. A simple remote control unit may use three 1. 5 volt batteries to produce the 4. 5 volts needed to operate a television. The human body has trillions of cells each having a millivolt potential across their membranes. All good scientists should ask themselves why we find electricity so prevalent in biological systems.
1. 2 How Does Electromedicine Work? In basic terms, the science may be described as follows. Electricity is found naturally in all of us. Certain electrical impulses in our bodies help facilitate bodily functions including actions needed for healing. By mimicking the electrical impulses that occur in us, we can help facilitate a specific effect. Electromedicine is able to trigger these impulses by varying the frequency, wavelength, intensity, and location of the electricity applied to the patient.
Understanding how these elements interplay to create a desired effect is the basis for the science. A number of scientists working independently have invented or developed electric devices that can mimic the body’s electrical impulses – and some of these devices have been effective in reversing many “incurable” viral and bacterial conditions, including Cancer, Herpes, Hepatitis, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), and HIV-AIDS. Some of these devices achieve their therapeutic effects by neutralising the pathogens causing the disease while others do so by enhancing immune stimulation. Research from MIT & Albert Einstein College of Medicine has also revealed the effectiveness of electric currents on all viruses, even on the AIDS virus.
It does this by deactivating their ability to penetrate into cells (and once there, reproduce while hiding out). By keeping them out of the cells and in the bloodstream, the can easily remove them from the body. New developments in electromedical technology now offer physicians fast, safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment options for a wide variety of disorders for patients. 1. 3 A Brief History of Electromedicine Electromedicine, or the use of electricity to treat physical ailments, is considered one of the oldest and most documented sciences known. Medical professionals of ancient Greece learned that the electrical impulses emitted from electric eels in clinical footpaths relieved pain and produced a favourable influence on the blood circulation.
In western civilization, the first documented use of electricity to manage pain was by the physician, Scribonius Largus, in 46 A. D. Doctors Largus and his colleague Dioscorides documented substantial therapeutic results with electrical currents in circulatory disorders and in the management of pain from neuralgia, headache and arthritis. Largus claimed that just about everything from head to toe (specifically, headaches to gout) could be cured by standing on a wet beach near an electric eel. Not surprisingly, attempts at producing pharmaceutical preparations from dead eels proved ineffective.
The first evidence of a scientific nature to indicate that electricity played any role in living things whatsoever was provided in 1791 by Italian physician, surgeon, and professor of anatomy at Bologna, Luigi Galvani who discovered that electrical impulses could cause muscle contraction in the leg of a frog he had dissected. From his numerous experiments, Galvani concluded that the electricity was generated within the animal’s body, the wires only providing the circuit completion. He called this electricity “animal electricity”, and postulated that it was the long sought for “vital force” that gave life to all living organisms. It was also during the 1700 s that Benjamin Franklin documented pain relief by using electrical currents for “frozen shoulder.” By 1800, Carlo Matteucci had shown that injured tissue generates an electric current.
The discovery of alternating current by Michael Faraday in 1830 also opened the door to the development of man-made devices as sources of electricity. In fact by 1910, approximately 50% (over 10, 000) physicians in the United States alone used electrotherapeutics modalities in their daily practices. This trend suffered a setback after the publication of the 1910 Flexner report which stated that there was no scientific basis for electromedicine (at that time). However, a new body of evidence about the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms came to light during the 1920 s – through the work of one Royal Raymond Rife, a microscope engineer who discovered that every micro-organism had a frequency at which it could be charged, and that if you isolated that frequency and sent it more energy than it could handle, it exploded, just like what happens when you overcharge a battery. According to Rife, the basic theory upon which his device worked was the theory of “coordinative resonance” with frequencies which he proved would kill microorganisms “by electron transfer and internal stresses of pathogenic cells owing to electromagnetic and electrostatic forces.” Rife’s original experiments were with the cancer virus for which he established the mortal frequency at which that virus, which he named BX, exploded. As he reasoned that this effect worked through simple resonance, with the pathogen being shattered by a specific frequency, Rife spent many years discovering the frequencies (MORs) at which numerous other viruses and bacteria could be destroyed and compiled a list of what he called Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MORs) of specific pathogens.
Having reproduced this effect with several viruses and bacteria, Rife took up a challenge to treat 16 terminally ill cancer patients who were sent to him from Pasadena Hospital in California. After subjecting them to 3-minute per day and twice a week exposures to light rays generated from his “Beam Ray Device” – (now called the Rife Frequency Generator) – and tuned to the MORs of the cancer virus, all 16 patients were tested and pronounced completely free of cancer after 90 days of treatment by his “Beam Ray.” After this astounding success, Rife spent many years discovering and documenting the MORs of numerous other viruses and bacteria – extending his frequency list which is now known as the Rife Frequency Table. However, as the saying goes, one man’s meat is another man’s poison; Rife’s major breakthrough sent shock waves through the medical pharmaceutical establishment which relied on cancer drugs for billions of its revenue streams. The breakthrough was viewed not as an advance in medicine, but as a gigantic threat to the pharmaceutical drug industry; as the new technology threatened to make virtually all drug treatments obsolete, it had hit the nerve centre of the industry. It was therefore most unfortunate for the science that some incorrect and unfair reports such as the Flexner Report emerged at this time when Rife and other researchers were making advances in the field of electromedicine. Dr.
Flexner’s report was originally prepared by the American Medical Association (AMA) and sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching. Since the Carnegie family was heavily invested in the young pharmaceutical industry, it is no wonder their report declared allopathic medicine superior. Furthermore, the AMA’s entire stock was then owned by the very influential Dr. Morris Fish bein who had made a futile attempt to buy out Rife’s inventions, and therefore wanted to ruin him. The overall thesis of these reports, produced by powerful special interest groups, discredited the value of both electromedicine and nutrition in medical practice. With fear of brutal assassination, harassment and condemnation from certain medical institutions, (that were funded by these special interest groups), almost all American physicians abandoned electromedicine and nutrition from their practices.
Since then, arguably the greatest development in the field of electromedicine was when Dr. Robert Becker (1981) electrically induced limb regeneration in frogs and rats as a model to study bioelectrical forces as a controlling morphogenetic field. Regeneration represents a return to embryonic control systems and cellular activities within a localized area. It can therefore be considered a more accessible and more observable form of morphogenesis.
The complexity of instructions required to designate all of the details to recreate a finished extremity is impossible to transmit by previously understood biochemical processes alone. Becker’s studies of extra neuronal analog electrical morphogenetic fields have eliminated any rational arguments against the importance of bioelectricity for all life processes, and thus laid the groundwork for the medical professions to start to evolve towards a more reasonable integrated view of biology incorporating our understanding of both biochemistry and biophysics. Dr. Bj ” orn Nordenstr ” om, M. D. (1983), former Chairman of the Nobel Assembly, has also proposed a model of bioelectrical control systems he calls biologically closed electric circuits (BCE C).
The principle is analogous to closed circuits in electronic technology. Nordenstr ” om’s theory is that the mechanical blood circulation system is closely integrated anatomically and physiologically with a bioelectrical system, and the biological circuits are switched on by both normal electrical activity of the organs and pathological changes, such as tumour, injury or infection. Like Becker, Nordenstr ” om views bioelectricity as the primary catalyst of the healing process. Nordenstr ” om (1984, 1989) reversed terminal cancer in most of his patients as clinical proof of his theories, and several other researchers are confirming the value of electromedicine for the treatment of cancer (Lyte, 1991; Morris, 1992; Sers a, 1992, & Belehradek, 1981). The beneficial effects of electromedicine were also noted in Bordeaux, France by another inventor, self-taught as was Rife, Antoine Prior’e, whose apparatus combined the use of electromagnetic (EM) radiation with a plasma of helium or noble gases reminiscent of Rife’s method used in detecting and devitalizing the BX virus. Prior’e who had been fascinated by EM wave effects did his own research on exposing plants and animals to EM radiation, and by 1953 Prior’e began treating human patients whose cancers had been judged hopeless.
From 1966 on, many papers were published on the results of applying the Prior’e technique to various animals and diseases. The results continued to be revolutionary. Another scientist-ally of Prior’e’s was Pierette Chateau-Reynaud Duprat. Over the years, she worked with the Prior’e method, showing that the Prior’e ray had no direct effect on the trypanosome’s themselves but stimulated and reinforced the defence mechanism of the infested organisms.
[No one knew to investigate the regenerative system of the body, poorly understood and using the very kind of infolded EM extension to NLO that Prior’e’s ray used. ] The ray was shown to cause the rejection of both allograft’s and iso grafts, so that the machine affected not only the defence mechanisms of the organism but also the recognition system. The original P-1 (Prior’e 1) machine affected cellular defence mechanisms. The second machine, P-2, seemed to act not on the cellular but on the humoral defence mechanisms. Prior’e himself also cured cases of malaria and also tuberculosis in humans, but apparently did not publish these results. Eventually the French Government backed the construction of a more powerful Prior’e device – the M-600 machine.
The machine weighed some 50 tons and required 3-1/2 stories to contain it. The coil which generated the DC-pulsed magnetic field weighed 5. 5 tons and had 11 miles of copper wire. During the week or 10 days that the machine was in operation, the results were formidable. The results were presented in notes to the Academy of Sciences by eminent French parasitologist, Professor Raymond Pautrizel and his team on the Faculty of Medicine at Bordeaux in 1978.
From 1965 to 1980, the Prior’e project spent about 20 million francs. Results were positively demonstrated, many of them sensational. Apparently, a change of government in France brought into the arena people who were aligned with Prior’e’s opposition, and the odds suddenly swung against Prior’e, being subjected to intense suppression and losing all the financial backing that had contributed to the continuation of his work. Prior’e suffered a debilitating stroke or similar complication in 1981 and died in May 1983 after a lengthy debilitated period. Admiral Pierre Emery, conseiller scientifique de la presidency, discovered L’Affaire Prior’e. His inquest led him to conclude that the Prior’e discovery was the most important medical discovery of the entire century.
The suppression of such a revolutionary discovery, even though its technical methodology was not understood, remains one of the heinous examples of scientific dogma blocking highly innovative research and results. Untold millions of human lives would have been saved had science and government acted along scientific lines. However, despite opposition from the mainstream medical establishment, many scientists have continued to experiment and research on electromedicine, and the resulting weight of the evidence indicates that steady-state or DC currents exist within living organisms where they serve to transmit information at a basic level. This concept has proven to be of considerable value in understanding many of the life functions that are poorly explained when viewed solely within the framework of biochemistry. Apart from the determined resistance of powerful special interest groups, the lack of updated education in health care professionals is the main stumbling block to acceptance of the theory and practice of electromedicine.
The other problem is the wide variety of technologies available. At present, there are well over 100 different models of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) devices in the marketplace and an increasing number of other electrical devices. Most health care practitioners who want to utilize such technology have received little or no background training in Electrobiology or electrical technology. Thus, not surprisingly, one of the greatest concerns in modern electromedicine, from a medical professional’s perspective, is the lack of clarity regarding the most appropriate treatment protocol when using bioelectric medicine. Since the early 1950’s there have been a number of discoveries made in the field in respect to currents and application techniques.
This growth in the science has presented a problem to many medical professionals – which therapy form is most appropriate for a patient’s condition. It is out of this concern that we now present in the next section, what we believe to be the most simplified way of categorizing electrotherapy treatment modalities. 2. Categorization and Description of Electrotherapy Modalities You may wonder if it is feasible to summarize all known electrotherapy forms in a brief manner, as there are a variety of names and physical parameters that make up the field of electrotherapy. It is possible to classify all known electrotherapy forms into a simple, logical system, and it is only through a clear understanding of their differences that one can be an effective practitioner in electromedicine which, if incorrectly applied can result in incomplete or counterproductive procedures being applied to a patient. We believe that it is easier and safer for therapists to categorize Electrotherapy by the types of effects obtained from a given technique, or the application for which a given technique is used.
These fall into four main categories. a). Direct pathogen destruction; b). Tissue healing; c).
Pain suppression; and d). Muscle dysfunction. In addition, the manner in which these effects are obtained also has its own sub-categorisation which is described in terms of the nature of the electric signal or impulse that is used to produce that effect. The main sub-categories of devices used are: i).
Rife and Electromagnetic (EM) Frequency Generators ii). Constant current stimulators iii). Alternating current stimulators iv). Pulsed current stimulators In this section, we focus mainly on the basic effects obtained from the main electrotherapy modalities involved with the elimination of disease and restoration of good health (i. e. b.
and c. above), from which one can see their distinct advantages and limitations in clinical efficacy. Understanding these parameters enables one to combine the right modalities to provide a holistic approach to completely restoring and maintaining good health in a patient. 2. 1 Modalities for Direct Pathogen Destruction 2. 1.
1 Frequency Modalities For Direct Pathogen Destruction Simply put, and as described in our paper entitled, “The History of Electrotherapy – The Cure for All Diseases”, a virus or any other microbe is susceptible to a specific frequency that causes its immediate demise, almost upon contact. Armed with his high magnification “Universal Microscope”, Rife could clearly see living bacteria and cells, and began experiments in which he exposed the specimen to various electric and magnetic fields. Using many different specimens, Rife discovered that he could make bacteria and single-celled organisms react to alternating or pulsed fields due to a principle in physics known as sympathetic resonance. He found that each different type of organism appeared to respond to one specific frequency, and in particular, by increasing the strength of the signal that came from the Rife Machine at that frequency, the organism ultimately exploded or disintegrated! This effect has been duplicated by modern researchers who have found that the frequency range of the effect varies with the specimen and that the intensity of the field seems to become pronounced within five or six Hertz of the specimen’s critical (resonance) frequency. If however, you proceed to expose the organism to its critical frequency, it literally explodes. This is known as the Mortal Oscillatory Rate, or the M.
O. R. of that particular micro organism. According to Royal Rife, the basic theory upon which his frequency generator worked was the theory of coordinative resonance with frequencies which he proved will destroy microorganisms by electron transfer and internal stresses of pathogenic cells owing to electromagnetic and electrostatic forces.
Rife repeated his experiments with thousands of samples and reproduced the same effect every time. More interestingly, he was unable to find any frequency that would cause human (or other mammalian) tissue cells to explode in the same way – meaning that the technique could selectively destroy bacteria and other pathogens in the human body without damaging human cells! The implications were profound. Rife had found a way to selectively destroy invading bacteria and other pathogens in the human body without causing damage to human cells! He then decided to refine his equipment to produce the requisite electromagnetic fields and commissioned engineers to build him a device that could emit a variable frequency field that he could tune to destroy different pathogens. This device that became known as the “Rife Beam Ray Device” allowed Rife to expand his work. He became obsessed with his work – spending days at a time looking through his microscopes, tuning his Beam Ray Device and cataloguing effects without sleep, and is said to have conducted “tens of thousands” of laboratory tests using live animals which he was able to cure of specific infections with only short exposures to the Beam Ray Device. Eventually, after having reproduced this effect with several viruses and bacteria, Rife took up a challenge to treat 16 terminally ill cancer patients who were sent to him from Pasadena Hospital in California.
After subjecting them to 3-minute per day and twice a week exposures to light rays generated from his “Beam Ray Device” – (now called the Rife Frequency Generator) – and tuned to the MORs of the cancer virus, all 16 patients were tested and pronounced completely free of cancer after 90 days of treatment by his “Beam Ray.” After this astounding success, Rife spent many years discovering and documenting the MORs of numerous other viruses and bacteria – extending his frequency list which is now known as the Rife Frequency Table. MOR effects are far easier to achieve using Rife’s Resonance Frequency techniques, but require knowledge of the affecting virus or bacteria and its mortal frequency as well as some experience to accomplish than do “Polarity” techniques that instead attempt to stimulate tissues and encourage healing, by direct cell stimulation, thereby strengthening the immune system. The limitation of MOR effects is that they focus on destroying the pathogen causing the disease without necessarily attempting to restore immune function or to reverse the damage already caused, e. g. in the case of a wound. 2.
2 Modalities for Immune Stimulation 2. 2. 1 Frequency Modalities for Immune System Stimulation Besides actual microbial destruction, there are several ways to use frequency to apply therapy to specific tissues of the body, and this opens up another entire chapter on the traditional use of frequency devices. These applications include cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis, stones, cataract, cuts and sores, and a host of others. Such applications do not attempt to destroy parasites, but instead, attempt to stimulate tissues and encourage healing, by direct stimulation and strengthening of the immune system.
Stimulatory frequency applications achieve their effects by stimulating cells by either increasing and decreasing the intensity or providing a constant energy intensity with a given rate of pulses per second (Hertz). At low frequencies of 1 to 1, 000 pulses per second, the effects obtained are considered bioelectric as they create action potentials in the cell. An Action Potential is defined as, a cellular reaction resulting from a sufficient level of energy being provided to the cell. In electromedicine, action potentials can only be created when intensity is increased enough to provide the cell energy to facilitate an action. The action potential is created by alternately raising and lowering this intensity across (below and above) the threshold level, and how many times per second (frequency in Hertz) this up and down movement of intensity occurs across the action potential threshold (and the manner in which it is applied) determines what effects can be achieved.
(See section 2. 4. 1 – Interferential Therapy). At higher frequencies within a range of 1, 000 to 100, 000 Hz, effects can be achieved by holding the energy intensity at a constant level, (which does not produce action potentials as action potentials can only be produced from an alternating increase and decrease of intensity in a cell). At these higher frequencies, the effects are considered biochemical as they trigger alternative mechanisms of action to obtain effects. In section 2.
3 below, we give a simplified explanation of the basic theories of how the main electrotherapy devices that produce these effects work. Some of them produce both bioelectric and biochemical effects by applying a wide range of frequencies around a carrier frequency via a technique called frequency modulation. The magnitude of the carrier frequency and the “oscillatory” frequencies used determine what effects are produced. Although the focus of this paper is on electrotherapy modalities that cure disease, it is pertinent to mention that there is also a very wide range of traditional muscle and nerve stimulatory devices that have been on the market for many years, and the main parameters for their applications are in electrical stimulation are: i). Amplitude: which determines the type of stimulation (i. e.
sub-threshold, sensory, motor, or noxious); ii). Pulse Duration: which determines type of tissue being stimulated (e. g. nerve or muscle); iii). Inter pulse interval: which determines the total current of the stimulus, and hence it determines the safety and comfort of the stimulation; iv). Frequency: which determines the target tissue (e.
g. nerve or muscle). Also determines the depth of penetration of the current which is related to skin impedance and resistance. Different combinations of these parameters can be used to obtain different therapeutic effects such as; . Pain Suppression; .
Muscle Dysfunction; and. Tissue Repair. This gives rise to the very wide range of traditional stimulatory frequency devices on the market, such as Interferential Treatment, TENS (Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation), MENS (Micro current Electronic Nerve Stimulation), brain tuners, etc. – each targeted to achieve a specific stimulatory effect. 2. 2.
2 Polarity Modalities for Immune System Stimulation The application of energy to induce changes in the polarity of the electrical charge of certain tissues of the body, or of the body in general was discovered by Rife to have the effect of preventing most viruses and bacteria from reproducing. Similar effects were observed by Dr. Georges Lathovsky in Paris who developed a wave emitter called a multi-wave oscillator with which he cured cancer in plants and humans as well as other diseases. They were also noted in Bordeaux by another inventor, self-taught as was Rife, Antoine Prior’e, whose apparatus combined the use of electromagnetic radiation with a plasma of helium or noble gases reminiscent of Rife’s method used in detecting and devitalizing BX. This technique does not effect as rapid results as frequency therapy, but is a valuable alternative, and means of maintenance, as follow up to frequency therapy sessions.
Polarity applications are traditionally employed in brain wave manipulation experiments, and have been reported upon favourably in most cases of nerve inflammation (and acupuncture). The use of polarity techniques is completely different from frequency applications and utilizes its own unique set of frequencies and output adjustments. Among these are protocols that have been reported effective as alternatives to frequency therapy, so they are the preferred method for pregnant mothers, children and for persons with other reasons for extreme caution, such as old age. 2. 3 A Simplified Explanation of How Electromedicine Achieves Immune Stimulation 2. 3.
1 The Cell as an Electric Power Station All cells have small electrically powered pumps inside of them whose function is to bring in nourishment, and take out toxins. Healthy cells, according to Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, have cell voltages of 70 to 90 millivolts. Due to the constant stresses of modern life and our toxic environment, cell voltage tends to drop as we age or get sick. As the voltage drops, the cell is unable to maintain a healthy environment for itself. Imagine going into a house where the power is out. The water pumps wouldn’t operate so the toilets wouldn’t work.
There would be no running water, therefore no showers or baths or doing dishes. The refrigerator wouldn’t work so there wouldn’t be any food to eat, and the food that was in there would go bad. Add to that a garbage man strike, and now garbage is piling up. As you could guess, anyone living in that house would probably get sick. It is the same for the cells of the body. Without enough energy to operate, the cells become toxic and malnourished.
Then, when presented with an infectious organism, whether it is the virus that causes cancer, or the common cold, they have lost the vitality to resist. If the electrical charge of a cell drops to 50, the cells become devitalised and stressed, and will not be able to function – just like a flat battery. When this condition persists for a long time, the person has chronic fatigue and gets sick often. In the human body, cell voltage drop and the accompanying “low-energy” crisis can be the result of any of several problems e. g.
– because the cell is in a toxic environment, or because it is for some reason in an environment without the possibility of proper oxygenation (anaerobic), nutrition, or metabolism and therefore energy. Even stress can cause the voltage to drop – which explains why only when a person is under stress the Herpes virus flares up and shows as blisters on the lips. Electromedicine is the most effective and fastest method of raising cell voltage and imparting EM energy to the cell, and there are several devices that have been invented to achieve this function. 2.
3. 2 Example: Cancer Explained In Terms of Cell Energy Deficiency (Ischemia) According to Greek Professor Panos T. Pappas who has invented and patented the “PAP Ion Magnetic Induction (IMI) Device” for the treatment of cancer, Cancer is the most general phenomenon of missing energy, low metabolism and division in biological systems, and it is found in all forms of life, i. e. , plants, animals and, we may even say, in all life societies that of humans, animals, plants, as well as that of various microorganisms. He demonstrates the above with the following common example taken from agriculture, and known practically to all farmers.
Let us suppose, that we have two plants, which we water every day. The plants stay healthy, but do not produce flowers or seeds to enter into the cycle of reproduction. However, if one of the plants is deprived of watering, and as a result finds itself in a state of stress, having less nutrition and energy, it will soon flower and reproduce early to survive as species. Thus, as soon as one of the plants is found in a stressful environment, i. e. without nutrition and energy, (because of lack of water which acts as the carrier of nutrition), it produces flowers and seeds as soon as possible in order to multiply – obviously in an attempt to survive as species, via a large number of successors, following an “instinct” or a survival “program “, deeply encoded in its DNA by its creator.
The same holds true for an advanced organism such as the human cell which may ordinarily secure its food more easily than a primitive one, which strives every day for food. Indeed, a primitive organism is in a continuous state of stress, for finding food and energy. In order to counter this low-energy crisis and win its daily battle against hunger, disease and the threat of extinction, and in order to survive as a species, it multiplies very fast and in large numbers. Prof. Papas adds that this phenomenon is also true for the human society; poor couples of primitive societies usually tend to have five, ten or more children with respect to rich couples of wealthy societies, which tend to have one or two children only. It’s encoded in our DNA! According to Papas, Cancer is the critical state of low energy of a cell and critically low metabolism in which the cell becomes “trapped” for various reasons.
This critically low energy and metabolism state is manifested by a low transmembrane potential of 15 millivolts, which causes a “chain ” of specific malfunctions for the cell, and a general state of ischemia (low energy) for the organism. When a cell is in this particular low energy / metabolism state and below 15 millivolts (Nobel Laureate Albert Sent-Gyorgyi, Cone and others), it becomes aware that its survival is threatened, and, following an “instinct” or a survival “program” deeply encoded in the DNA of every living organism by its creator, it makes an effort to survive as a species via a large number of successors. This it does by making another copy of itself – dividing into two identical parts – and, as the creation of an additional organism (also competing for energy) worsens the energy crisis, cell division continues in a chain reaction referred to as “cancer”, which is characterised by the following “chain” of specific malfunctions for the cell: . low transmembrane potential; . increased accumulation of sodium ions inside the cell; .
increased water molecular attached to sodium molecules inside the cell inflammation; . increase of volume of the cell and osmotic pressure inside the cell; . swelling; . thinning of the cell membrane; .
cell division. The above conditions restrict farther cell metabolism and the person has chronic fatigue and gets sick often. In the human body, cell division will occur as long as a “low-energy” crisis prevails for any reason, for example – because the cell is in a toxic environment, or because it is found in a rather anaerobic (non-oxygenated) environment, which was not intended to be so in the first place, or because it is surrounded by a tumor, or it is adjacent to a tumor, which lacks veins and arteries and strives for energy and food, and without the possibility of proper oxygenation, nutrition, or metabolism and therefore energy. Sustained cell division eventually leads to cell over population, which enhances and diffuses the existing energy crisis from the cells to the system; in other words, energy crisis is then extended and generalized for the system as a whole. We may say, that cells with low energy get into a ” panic” state of feverish multiplication, in order to preserve their species, following an inherent program encoded in the most fundamental part – their DNA, for survival under the emergency of severe conditions. Prof.
Papas has patented and what he describes as an “ultra fast, short duration and a thermic bipolar magnetic and induced electrical pulse generator,” the PAP Ion Magnetic Induction (IMI) Device which utilizes pulsed electromagnetic fields to generate (or induce) electric pulses inside biological matter. Treatment with the PAP IMI Device accelerates healing and the preliminary results are said to be impressive. 2. 3.
3 Electromedicine Provides the Ultimate Solution The most effective and fastest method of raising cell voltage and imparting EM energy to the cell is by means of Electromedical devices, and there are several devices that have been invented to achieve this function. The devices use different techniques to achieve that objective. Some use frequency modalities while others use polarity modalities, but the overall effect is to raise cell energy and restore cell function to a healthy state. One such device is called a Multiwave Oscillator (MWO), which is described in the next section.
2. 3. 4 Lakhovsky’s Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) The MWO is a wave emitter that was invented by Dr. Georges Lathovsky in the early 1900’s. Dr. Lakhovsky discovered that healthy cells acted like little batteries and found out how to recharge them (raise their voltages).
He found that transmitting energy in the range between 750, 000 Hertz and 3, 000, 000, 000 Hertz raised the cell’s voltage. He had great results with cancer in plants and humans as well as other diseases. Not only was his MWO able to return sick cells (and people) to health, but also those who used it regularly noticed that they never got sick anymore. 15 years later, Royal Raymond Rife, the inventor of the Rife machine had an idea. If all cells have a frequency that they can be charged at, what would happen if you isolated that frequency and sent it more energy than it could handle? He experimented this with the bacteria and the cancer virus, and found that, just like overcharging a battery, the cell could be made to explode when it received excessive energy at a frequency specific to that microbial cell, and he called this the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR).
Later he managed to isolate the cancer virus and found that it also disintegrated at its MOR, leading to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. Although his discovery faced stiff and brutal opposition from interested parties that included pharmaceutical drug companies, Rife later spent many years discovering and cataloguing the frequencies (MORs) at which many other viruses and bacteria could be destroyed. In this sense, a Rife machine is the exact opposite of a MWO. They both rely on the same principle, that is, that life forms can absorb Electromagnetic and radio wave energy. But while the MWO uses that principle to strengthen the healthy cells of the body so that they can resist disease, a Rife machine uses the principle to destroy microorganisms that are causing the disease. Most people have been exposed to the oral variety of the herpes virus, and it is dormant in their bodies.
Only when a person is under stress does the virus flare up and show as blisters on the lips. We carry many thousands of infections in our body in a dormant state. As long as we are healthy (high cell voltages), these infections stay dormant. In this way, a MWO can prevent us from diseases of all kinds. In some situations, a disease is not caused by an infection. Take Alzheimer’s disease or fibromyalgia.
There are no infections currently associated with these diseases. They are thought to be caused by toxicity and imbalanced metabolism. A MWO would be effective here by helping the body detox, and giving it enough energy to heal its chronic metabolic imbalances. 2. 3. 5 Antoine Prior’e’s Electromagnetic (EM) Wave Machine Another method of raising cell voltage is the Prior’e Machine – named after its inventor, Antoine Prior’e, also self-taught, as was Royal Rife.
Antoine Prior’e’s apparatus achieved its healing effects by combining the use of electromagnetic radiation with a plasma of helium or noble gases reminiscent of Rife’s method used in detecting and devitalizing the BX cancer virus. The great difficulty was that no one-including Prior’e himself- understood the actual active mechanism produced by the machine. Prior’e had no University education and was a self-taught researcher who, after working as a radar technician and operator in the Italian Navy, had somehow become fascinated by EM wave effects on plants and animals. He began exposing various animals such as cats to the radiations of his early apparatus and his discovery of the electrotherapy was almost through serendipity. Largely because he was not a scientist but a mere electrician who had graduated from a small provincial school for electricity in Trieste, Italy, Antoine Prior’e was not able to explain why his device worked, or even how it was designed and constructed to achieve its spectacular results. For this reason, learned scientists were sceptical about his work, which they dismissed as a placebo.
Because of his academic limitations, the explanation of the Prior’e Effect, as it is now called, was left to those academics who had got interested in his work, such as; . Professor Drie ux at the famous Veterinarian School of Maisons-All fort, near Paris; . Professor Raymond Pautrizel – an eminent parasitologist on the Faculty of Medicine at Bordeaux who verified the utility of the Prior’e Ray on a particularly lethal parasite, the trypanosome family (which causes sleeping sickness, equine syphilis, and other afflictions) as well as on atherosclerosis; . Pierette Chateau-Reynaud Duprat, who worked with the Prior’e method for several years, showing that the Prior’e ray had no direct effect on the disease-causing parasites themselves but stimulated and reinforced the defence mechanism of the infested organisms; and. Biologist and Nobel Laureate Andr’e Lw off, who confirmed the biological efficacy of Prior’e’s device; and According to modern research and current understanding of Electromagnetic energy, the Prior’e Effect is explained as follows: ” Scientific research has established that the earth’s geomagnetic field and electromagnetic radiation have bioelectric effects on the body’s cellular mass, affecting the vibratory motion of living cells and consequently their life.
Every part of the body right down to cell nuclei participates in the exchange of emission of Electromagnetic (EM) energy between the body and the environment. The body’s own emission “changes” the environment, adding EM radiation while it also absorbs EM radiation from the environment. The body’s EM absorption affects every function, operation and part of the body, and as a result, body and environment are always in a continual state of affecting and changing each other, both helpfully and harmfully, depending on how these deeply induced EM radiations interact. On the negative side, certain Electromagnetic frequencies can cause genetic mutations and psychological disturbances leading to disease, and on the positive side, there are also certain EM frequencies that can induce good health and psychological well-being. The more naturally a person’s vibrational field is attuned to the earth, the better, and the body’s reaction (healing system) must continually adjust and correct deviations from this oscillatory equilibrium (normalcy), in every part of every cell so affected by the EM interactions by dealing with the induced changes (exited states) in the body. The Sun produces a continuous outpouring of electrically charged particles called the Solar Wind.
As the Solar Wind Collides with the magnetic field of a planet, it creates shock waves on the sunward side. This triggers the emission of radio waves that radiate back towards the sun. One of the questions scientists have looked at is how and why do these solar shock waves affect us? The new analysis has concluded that it is the negatively charged electrons (negative ions) and not the positively charged particles (positive ions) such as protons (ionized hydrogen atoms) that trigger the radio waves, which are emitted in bursts measured in pulses per second (Hertz). This ion ratio can also relate to the electromagnetic pulses. Ions – both negative and positive – are the passive part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the pulsed electromagnetic (frequencies) are the active part of the electromagnetic spectrum – with these pulses per second or hertz having a profound effect on the body’s hormonal system which is controlled by the brain.
The earth’s geomagnetic and electric resonance frequencies are low frequencies that have a number of beneficial bioelectric effects. Our Brains pulse between 1 Hz and 35 Hz. 1 Hz – 3 Hz (Delta Waves) represent deep sleep. 5 Hz – 7 Hz (Theta Waves) = Light sleep or tired. 8 Hz – 12 Hz (Alpha Waves) = alert. 14 Hz – 30 Hz (Beta Waves) = very busy.
Around 10 Hz is considered the best for our well-being when awake (alert yet calm). Our planet naturally pulses at approximately. 7. 5 Hz – the geomagnetic field of the earth resonates between 7. 8 and 8. 0 cycles per second.
Thus, the more naturally a person’s vibrational field is attuned to the earth, the better. Not surprisingly, this cycle is also the healthy, alpha brain wave frequency of meditating monks. In fact, the nerves and muscles are fully responsive to Alpha and Theta frequencies that are near the earth’s resonance frequency. Our brains try to match other natural or artificial electromagnetic pulse signals if they are powerful enough. The frequency of the solar shock waves is between 1 Hz – 3 Hz, and may be responsible for the brain going into a semi subconscious mode (in other words, you don’t get very stressed out under these conditions).
Atmospheric negative ions tend to cause our brains to go into the Alpha Brain Wave mode = 8 Hz – 12 Hz, and most research shows that Alpha Waves are the most beneficial for us when awake (calm yet alert). Higher frequencies (above 12 Hz) trigger extra serotonin and melatonin production in the brain. Most electric appliances work off of 60 Hz or higher in North America and 50 Hz in Europe. Computer monitors operate at 20, 000 Hz. ; Cellular Phones operate at 840 Million Hz. ; Microwave Ovens at 2.
8 Billion Hz. Scary eh! The higher the frequency the more serotonin that’s produced in the brain. Serotonin has recently been associated with cancer. ” The actual “healing” system in the body is the cellular regenerative system, poorly studied, and in fact mostly studied by Dr. Robert Becker.
This is an electromagnetic system, but of a rare kind not used in our common power systems, communication systems, etc. Instead of using the common transverse EM waves, this system uses longitudinal EM waves and time-polarized EM waves. A time-polarized EM wave is an energy current in the time domain, and the basis for such does appear in a very modern physics theory called quantum field theory. There we are introduced to time-polarized photons, for example. The easiest way to “visualize” a time-polarized oscillation is that, instead of oscillating energy in space, the wave oscillates the rate of flow of time just a little bit. So, the wave is a “compression and “rarefaction” of the local rate of flow of time”, so to speak.
The Prior’e Effect is explained by the science of modern phase conjugate optics which was only introduced to America after Russian researchers briefed U. S. researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about a strange EM wave in reactions that would come back out and “restore order” in disordering processes. In extremely simple terms, suppose you “squeeze” (pump) a little particle of non-linear mass with spatial-energy (normal) EM waves at certain frequencies, and then “tickle” the rhythmically squeezed mass with a separate little EM wave that you input. Oddly, the energy in the “pumping” waves will be transformed into a strange kind of “backwards travelling” or “crawfish” wave that backtracks the path that the little input wave took.
This strange “time-reversed” wave in essence is in magnitude some fraction or amplification of the input wave, and it propagates back along the path taken by the input wave – even if the input wave itself is already “gone”! Thus, with NORMAL pumping with spatial energy, we create an amplified time-reversal spatial energy wave that REVERSES whatever the input wave did. ” In the Prior’e process, it was the longitudinal EM radiations and their induction of time-domain pumping of the non-linear cells and every part of them that provided the cellular time reversal from the diseased state back to the previous healthy state. If we pump (squeeze rhythmically) a living cell in the TIME domain, we pump every part and point of it simultaneously. So we produce an amplified “time-reversal force wave” on each and every part of the mass-energy comprising the cell. The mechanism is a dramatic extension to non-linear optics, moving it to the time-domain, and resulting in the forced propagation of the pumped cellular mass itself, i. e.
the cell and all its parts – including its genetics – in the time domain back along the previous path through time that the cell took in having changes occur to it – such as diseases, damage, and even aging! In other words, longitudinal EM wave pumping in the Prior’e device is time-domain pumping. ” Viewed general relativistically, this temporal pumping produces a time-reversal of the entire cellular mass, resulting in the damaged or diseased cellular mass and all its components slowly reverting back to a previous healthy state. Thus, we can gradually reverse the damaged or diseased cell back to an earlier physical condition, before the damage or disease was there! And, not only can we amplify and time-reverse the energy in a normal EM wave, but we can now also amplify (shorten the time required to change) and time-reverse the energy comprising a living mass. There is no 3-spatial propagation; the propagation is shifted to the time domain entirely. It involves the hidden, very powerful general relativity in the “inner space” underlying the present EM (Electro Magnetic) fields. ” In the Prior’e method, Prior’e mixed several ordinary transverse EM radiations – some at radar frequency and some at microwave frequency – in a plasma tube containing a rotating plasma, and irradiated the entire body of the patient (or animal subject) with the EM waves.
Today it is known that some plasmas will organize longitudinal waves when transverse waves are input, and vice versa. Apparently, although he did not realize it, Prior’e was able to produce at least “noisy” longitudinal EM waves which were “infolded” inside pulsed magnetic field carriers. Prior’e embedded these waves in rippling magnetic field carriers, to guarantee that the deepest bone marrow was penetrated and exposed to the non-ionizing radiation. Irradiation with longitudinal waves stimulates the body to produce a little more of the time-polarized “pump” waves. These provide some “pumping” of the required type in the living cells, resulting in “time-reversal” of the damaged cells back to health; in short, an accelerated natural healing process. ” That is in fact the basic mechanism, that every living biological system uses to heal itself, which is also the final mechanism that Becker so ardently sought and so closely approached in his epochal work on bone fracture healing.
It is the same mechanism that was responsible for the astounding cures achieved by the Prior’e team in France in the 1960 s and early 1970 s. In biology, the change of a cell to a previous or “more primitive” state is called dedifferentiation. The change of a cell “forward” or to a “more specialized” state is called “differentiation.” So the change of the cell back to a more primitive state or forward to a more specialized state is well known. Proof of Prior’e Cellular Time-reversal Effect: The proof of cellular time-reversal was provided by renowned French Parasitologist, Professor Raymond Pautrizel who compared identical treatment of immature rats with immature immune systems, and mature rats with mature immune systems – both groups of rats having been artificially infected in the laboratory.
Pautrizel’s experiments demonstrated that: For mature rats with mature immune systems: Treatment restored the damaged mature system back to full mature functioning, and it promptly recognized and dispatched the pathogens. For immature rats with immature immune systems: Treatment restored the damaged immature system back to full immature functioning, still unable to cope, and the pathogens promptly reinfected and killed the immature rat. The lesson: The body is indeed returned to a previous physical state. The pathogens themselves are not killed by the treatment, but by restoring the previous ability of the immune system to recognize and destroy them. Only the previous ability of the immune system is restored by the process.
” Another effect that is at play is cellular regeneration. Dr. Robert Becker’s work is probably the best and most advanced example of the state of the art of the study that has been done of the “cellular regeneration system”, particularly from the standpoint of inducing changes in it by electromagnetic means. Becker did induce the phase conjugation effects, but during much of his work (earlier, 1960 s) modern phase conjugate optics had not even been born.
It eventually got started after the 1972 Russian briefing of U. S. researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about phase conjugate effects. Even then, it really did not get well underway until about 1979 or 1980, except for a handful of U. S. researchers such as Yaris and Fisher.
” Becker showed that the cellular regeneration system also restores the cells, and that it is stimulated and amplified electromagnetically. But he could not achieve quite such startling results, since he used ordinary EM radiation and not specialized EM radiation coming from plasmas. Becker’s work is applied to cure otherwise intractable bone fractures. Trickle currents or pulsed EM wave energy is applied between silver electrodes, one on each side of the fracture so that (1) a potential exists in the area, and (2) a field also exists. Eventually, new cells of the type that make bone are deposited in the fracture and it is healed. Becker revealed the startling thing that happens.
The RED BLOOD CELLS entering the area undergo remarkable changes. First, they shuck their haemoglobin and grow nuclei – which is dedifferentiation back to a previous state before they differentiated into red blood cells. Then they redifferentiate (move forward in time) but to the type of cells that make cartilage! However, that is not what is required, so these cells AGAIN redifferentiate (move forward in time) to the type of cells that make bone. These are then deposited in the fracture site, closing the site and healing the fracture! ” By studying Becker’s work and his proposed EM composition of the cellular regeneration system, it is now clear that the above mechanism, expanded, is the one used by the cellular regeneration system to restore cells. This gives an entirely new function to the potentials in the cells and in their parts; the cellular regeneration system is capable of weakly producing time-polarized EM waves, and therefore capable of time-reversing the mass-energy of the entire pumped cell. ” The body ages only because gradually the cellular regenerative system deteriorates, and so can no longer fully restore (time-reverse) the cells back to full youthful vigour.
Thus, corollarily, the aging process itself can also be reversed and “cured” by precisely the same process, i. e. time-reversal of the entire cellular mass and its components. We emphasize that all that the treatment does is accelerate and enhance the human body’s own natural healing mechanism – which still does not appear in our medical science, because the type of electrodynamics used by the body’s healing process has not even been applied (and seldom even studied) by Western medical scientists. That’s about as simple as EM healing can be explained without going deep into the physics of phase conjugate optics. A rigorous theoretical basis for the foregoing is established from the pioneering advanced electrodynamics work of a few great pioneers, such as Evans and Barrett which is now able to fully model and explain the mechanisms involved.
Definition of Plasma: A highly ionized gas containing approximately equal numbers of positive ions and electrons. There are no such things as “resistant pathogens” to the process; everything is mass energy and just gets backed up right out of there. Indeed, the exchange between the pathogen and the host’s immune system, where the pathogen finally succeeded in tricking or avoiding the immune system (as in HIV-AIDS), is also reversed back out of there, and the immune system is also restored to full vigour. The result is that the immune system now recognizes the pathogens again completely, and goes after them vigorously. In short, the body is again able to use its full healing power against the “resistant” organism again, completely negating the “deception” that was previously achieved by the pathogen. In a nutshell, the Prior’e Effect, unlike the Rife method, focuses not on killing the virus directly, but on reversing the cell degenerative process caused by the pathogen and, using the cell’s memory function, also rendering the immune system far superior to the attacker in the event of another attack.
Furthermore, it is interesting to note that infectious diseases cured by Prior’e radiation also provided an immunity to the treated host organism that has been shown to be transferable by transfusion of blood samples. That’s about as simple as EM healing can be explained without going deep into the physics of phase conjugate optics. A rigorous theoretical basis for the foregoing is established from the pioneering advanced electrodynamics work of a few great pioneers, such as Evans and Barrett which is now able to fully model and explain the mechanisms involved. With Rife machines, Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillators and Prior’e Machines, we have three powerful technologies from the past to help us with the diseases of the present. 2.
4 Modalities for Muscle Stimulation 2. 4. 1 Interferential Therapy INTERFERENTIAL THERAPY is a low frequency current treatment used by Physiotherapists for the control and relief of a wide range of inflammatory conditions; sports injuries, arthritic conditions, bruising, swelling, and post manipulation or post surgical inflammation. The major effect of the therapy is to accelerate the rate at which a given condition heals, and to increase the blood supply to the part of the body treated. Generally, any condition which ends in “-itis”; sinusitis, colitis, tenosinovitis, will respond to the therapy. Interferential Therapy is so called because it exploits the interference of two separately generated sinusoidal currents which are applied to the body simultaneously.
The two channels of an interferential device generate frequencies well above the low frequencies at which the pain receptors in the surface layers of the skin are sensitive, and at which resistance to current is high. Usually the two frequencies are between 3500 and 4500 cycles per second, or Hz. The two separate channels are each applied through a pair of surface electrodes, and while the frequency of one channel is kept constant, that of the other is made to vary over the range of low frequencies desired. The mixing of frequencies in this manner is called frequency modulation. Once through the high resistance, sensitive skin and into the underlying structures, the two channels meet each other and mix together within the volume of tissue targeted by the therapist by careful positioning of the electrodes. The result of the mixing is the generation of the Interferential Frequency, commonly called a beat frequency, equal to the difference between the two medium frequencies.
The body responds to this beat frequency in the same way it would to the direct application of a low frequency, but without the attendant discomfort. In practical Interferential Therapy Machines, the interferential frequency is made to alternate between two values select by the therapist. The machine sweeps the applied interferential frequency back and forth between the extremes selected, usually over a period of about 6 seconds. This prevents the patient’s tissues becoming used to the therapy, and shortens the treatment times. Different frequency bands have different effects and are used against specific conditions. For example 130 Hz is a powerful pain reliever, 45 Hz – 90 Hz stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and 1 Hz – 10 Hz speeds recovery of fractures.
In the hands of a Therapist able to make the right diagnosis, select the electrode sizes and place them accurately to target the site of the condition, and with the ability to review and interpret the progress of the patient, Interferential Therapy is powerful and effective, and can lead to a permanent alleviation of the condition. DISCLAIMER: All information about Electromedicine and Electrotherapy given in this paper is provided for educational, research, and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to lead anyone away from a doctor. The author makes absolutely no claims to being a medical practitioner, nor does he attest to the clinical efficacy of any specific make or model of frequency generators and other equipment of the type mentioned in the report, and made by any given manufacturer. The author cannot take any responsibility for those who treat themselves using any device of a type mentioned in this report and purporting to impart the benefits described in this paper. Any reader interested in using these devices is advised to evaluate them on their own, and assess the benefits at their own risk. References: The entire content of the above document was researched from scientific papers posted on several Internet websites, notably websites owned by the following organizations, including links thereto: .
The Tom Bearden – Excalibur Briefing. The Alternative Energy Institute. Rife Information Forum, Europe. Transformation Technologies. Electromedicine Resources. Prof.
Panos T. Papas. Halo-Med Products. Bio Electric S. A. Whale Medical.
JW LABS, and. Oxy rife. com Microbe Caused Diseases that are Treatable With Electronic Medicine For more specific information read these articles: Are you clear of Parasites? How Parasites Cause Cancer and HIV Tapeworms and Ascarid Dr. Clark’s Herbal Parasite Cleanse AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) – Caused all or in part by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). 10 year incubation period. Has killed 7 million people so far.
HIV invades white blood cells by attaching and then injecting its RNA. The RNA is enzymatically changed to DNA to replicate the virus inside the cell. The blood cell then bursts, spilling out all the new HIV to renew the reproduction cycle again (which lasts 1. 2 days). The immune system becomes so weakened that the patient finally is overcome by other infections. Arthritis, Rheumatoid- Results in soreness and stiffness of muscles, and pain in joints and associated structures.
Research has revealed its cause as viral. Bubonic plague- Caused by the bacteria Yersinia Pestis which is carried by rodents and fleas. Early symptoms 2-6 days after being bitten are painful swollen lymph nodes, fever, exhaustion, headache. It progresses to lung pneumonia resulting in 50% death rate. Cancer- A malignant tumour or neoplasm. Royal Rife identified two microbes that can cause cancer.
Since then, many other microbes have been identified as cancer-causing. Important warning signals of cancer are unusual bleeding or discharges, a lump or thickening in any area, a sore that doesn’t heal, a change in bowel or bladder habits, hoarseness or persistent cough, indigestion or difficulty swallowing, change in size or shape or appearance of a wart or mole, unexplained weight loss. Cholera- A bacterial infection in the intestines that prevents the absorption of salt and water which results in dehydration and death. Characterized by diarrhoea, painful cramps, and tendency to collapse. Transmission is through water, milk, or other foods contaminated with excreta of patients or carriers.
Chronic Fa.