TRUTH “^2 is it ever pure and simple! K. The answer is no. Imagine living in a world of honesty and sincerity and everything said and told was true… Do you honestly think our lives would be the same as they are today in the society we live in… In the 20 th century! K Unfortunately the world we live in today is full of corruption… deception…
manipulation… and distortion of what really should be the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Truth is a property of a statement or belief about a fact, with sufficient precision and completeness for the purpose of a particular inquiry. Think of it this way all humans have a purpose, which limits this so called precision and completeness of information sought by a particular inquiry.
People make false statements either unintentionally or deliberately. Making a false statement deliberately is called a LIE, and is intended to deceive those for whom such statement is intended. This can clearly be shown through the set text of Frontline and my related text of Wag the Dog with reference to the rubric. One aspect of the rubric ill be looking at today is considering peoples representations of what is supposedly the truth, exploring processes by which statements come to be accepted as true.
In the set text Frontline it refers to this aspect very closely. What matters is not what is true but what people believe to be true. In looking at! yen representations of the truth! | you can therefore consider ways in which omissions, bias, and direct misrepresentation affect the way in which truth is communicated. The media has a strong power to influence the way in which people see the truth.
The series Frontline, suggests that entertaining the audience and giving them VISION, is more important than the actually facts and truth of what has happened. In! yen We Aint Got Dames! | the sweat shop story appears to be a serious version of the truth. In this episode there is a strong emphasis on women as they are loosing their ratings. In mikes sweat shop story Brian alters it to give it more vision and make it appeal more to the women! |s side when in actual fact he is cutting out the substance of what the story is actually talking about. Also in the interview with Cheryl Ker not (senator) the questions mike has to ask her on the script is not what Cheryl wants to talk about, which ends up slanting more to an interview constituting a misinterpretation of truth. This episode is showing the manipulation the show has over the audiences perspective of what is true and what just appeals to the eye such as in Mikes promo to get women to fall in love with mike and make him look like the nice sensitive honest type of guy which is really ironic as the show is all about misrepresenting what is true to get more ratings.
They don! |t care about if what is being said could affect anything or anybody such as in! yen the siege! | where mike put peoples lives in danger jus to get people to watch the show and to get higher ratings and also is image related. It therefore ended in the killing of innocent people who! |s lives were destroyed all because the media and current affair show wanted to give their audience something exciting to watch not considering the effects it had. That therefore also shows how much power and influence the media have over the public and how it can not only misrepresent what is said but can also destroy people. Politicians also have a vested interest in getting the public to accept certain things as true and because of their power as political leaders it contributes to the way the can distort and manipulate what they want people to believe. In my related text Wag the Dog, the U. S president is involved in a momentous sex scandal with an underage girl scout in the Oval Office.
Naturally the nation is all in shock with the scandal that could threaten his upcoming election. So in order to get this story buried, 11 days before his re-election they invent a war by utilizing the power of the mass media and create a military hero. This movie has a strong representation of the media and political power to unravel a fake war before the public! |s eyes. This also gets us to think about how much of what we actually see on TV and news shows is of the absolute truth.
The movie also shows that the REAL truth is not what people get but is what they are made to believe. Also the techniques in the filming of frontline and wag the dog separate the! yen real! | scenes from what is then a misrepresentation of what is really true. This can be shown in Frontlines camera! yen fly on the wall! | scenes of what is the real truth to the then edited and changed material that gets broadcasted to the public. It usually involves cutting out parts that have no VISION which end up presenting story! |s with no real substance but gives people entertainment which is what is really comes down to.
Also in wag the dog the filming of the! SS fake war!” shows the effort they go into just getting all the interesting parts and making sure it looks really dangerous and using the power of the mass media to grab peoples attention shows how much of what we see is lies and not the truth. But when you think about it in our daily lives of how much is actually distorted and how much we the audience, the gullible public are made to see things in different perspectives which is of what is not true can be quiet disturbing. It makes you wonder how much of what is actually reported and how much of what you know is fake. So therefore in looking at the rubric and its aspect of peoples representations of what is true and how we accept it to be true and the set text of Frontline and of my related text of Wag the Dog you can gather that people can be made to believe anything and because of the powerful influences in our daily life! |s such as the media, news shows and magazines the truth can be manipulated and distorted to persuade the viewers to what they want them to believe. Your perceptions of what is the absolute truth can be influenced by what you see or hear but in most cases not by what you believe to be true.
So you can therefore say that the truth is rarely pure and NEVER simple. Thank you.