This essay was downloaded fromCheatHouse. com (c) Gradu a Networks 1995-2005. More essays, papers, reports, study notes and more can always be found at: – web Running head: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR OR AGAINST Inclusive Education Practices Information Booklet Chris WareAbstractPart 1. An analysis of Inclusion Education Policies. This paper is the first part of a Booklet. It is aimed at academics, teachers and allied health professionals.
This essay endeavors to discuss current and past principles of Inclusion education practices and assess just how effective they are towards providing education for all individuals. Inclusive Education Practices Information Booklet Inclusion policies and their influence on education facilitation are determined by identifying the arguments for and against Inclusive Education. This involves assessing and substantiating three key areas. First, assessing influences of the Macro environment, in particular the Consequential ist, Justice, Rights and Needs arguments. Second, examining of the inter-relationship of inclusive education polices (2003). Attitudes of elementary principals toward the inclusion of students with disabilities.
Exceptional Children, 69 (2), 135-146. Soo dak, L. C. (2003).
Classroom Management in inclusive settings. Theory into Practice, 42 (4), 327-334. Stodden, R. A.
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(2003). Secondary school curricula issues: Impact on post secondary students with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 70 (1), 9-25. T horley, B. , Gotchkis, G. , & Martian, M.
(1995). Clearing the way for Inclusion. Special Education Perspectives, 4 (2), 71-80. Vaughn, S. , & Lin an-Thompson, S.
(2003). What is special about special education for students with learning disabilities? The Journal of Special Education, 37 (3), 140-147. Wright, E. B. , W. (1999).
Full inclusion of children with disabilities in the regular classroom: It is the only answer. Children & Schools, 21 (1), 11-23.