There are many strengths and weaknesses with through parliament, one strength is that Parliament delegate its power to make laws to expert bodies, for example local councils may make local laws for parliament in their area. Another strength is that Parliament is able to investigate the whole topic and make a comprehensive law through Parliament committees for example the Family Law Act 1975, which covers dispute under family law. A weakness of Law made through Parliament is that Parliament is not able to foresee all future circumstances and laws may therefore become outdated. Another weakness of Parliament made law is Rubber stamping.
This is when one party of Parliament holds the majority of seats in both the senate and the House of Representatives and laws are made without any questioning. In Conclusion to this question I believe that parliament is an effective law making body. Parliaments main strength is that it can change the law as the need arises for example; the Victorian Parliament introduced the Community Protection Act in 1990 in response to the impending release of Garry David who had made various threats and was considered a danger to society. Mandatory reporting was introduced as a result of the Daniel Valerio case; stricter gun laws were introduced as a result of the Port Arthur tragedy and the Australian Grand Prix Act was introduced to facilitate the grand prix at Albert Park. Parliament was very effective in implementing these laws as the need arises.
Parliament does however have its weaknesses as explained above. The main weakness is that there are often conflicting views within society and it is not possible to reflect the opinions and values of all members of society. The main areas where there are conflicting views are voluntary euthanasia and safe injecting rooms. Despite this, the fact remains that parliament is the supreme law making body. Parliaments cannot be bound by acts of parliament made in the past, regulations cannot override and act of parliament, a court decision cannot overrule an act of parliament, parliament can abrogate law made through courts, abolish, repeal or amend a previous act, make law on a new issue and delegate its law making powers to subordinate authorities.