Exam Words Awards Type

I dont know what to say because I wanted to register to get something for my english exam tomorrow (just getting ideas) Im not copy writing, anyways thanks anyways I have to go on for some time because apparently the easy requires two hundred words. Also it lack required “punctuation” if u will. So Im trying to figure out what to type. Oh man last night I was watching the MTV music awards. It must have been the funniest I have ever seen in my life. Only the part about Gollum though.

He was swearing at everyone, and normally someone doesnt do that but hye it was an awards show so I guess they are allowed to do that cause they are an awards show. I wonder how many words it has been now. I hope Im starting to get tired of this I mean I should have to go through ALL of this should I? no i thought not! And besides im not even printing i just needed to look it over. Is thats so much to ask considering I wanna pass my exam. GEEZ! This exam is gonna be hard tomorrow, I can just feel it, and people told me it was a little different. Its my first english exam so I will see how it goes.

Hope Im done this now, so than’s for listening / reading , bye! Well Im back it seems i dont have enough words! stupid thing… HONESTLY NOW! ! ! ! ! Im just gonna type random stuff now ok! ? ok sounds good, talk to u later. Bye. the the the the, has has has. IT it it it it it it… we we we we we we wI.