Feel Work Dedication Responsibility

In this short platform for vice president I want to assure you that I will bring the seriousness, dedication, discipline and responsibility necessary for this position. I realize, until now, I have shied away from many tasks and positions, but I feel now is a good time for me to start taking on more responsibility. I have accepted the rewards of the hard work and sacrifices of others for almost two years, and would like to do my part helping this house. Also, for the next few quarters, I will have the schedule to support my decision to run.

I understand the current problems we have in this house, as should everybody else, and would like to work with the president in resolving them. Although these issues are serious, I feel they are not too complicated or difficult to fix. Mostly, I think we need more dedication, persistence, and honest hard work in this house. Due to our dwindled numbers, everybody needs to take on a bit more responsibility and work a little harder.

I feel getting this out of everybody, including myself, should be my main priority as vice president. Obviously treasurer will be another crucial position for the next couple quarters. I feel I can bring the dedication, problem solving and math skills required for this position. I understand it is a lot of work and responsibility but I feel there is no better time or place to use my skills to help the house.

I know my platforms are short but I am a man of few words. Please don’t mistake my lack of skills for paper writing and bullshitting to be anything more than what it is. I feel I have the skill and dedication necessary for either of these positions and hope you will give me a serious consideration with your vote.