Do gules Noel Adams, has successfully tried to show us another aspect of our daily-life routine. By using many cynical elements, he creates extremely funny situations which represent much deeper aspects. The destruction of Earth in order to create Inner-Galactic-Highways as the definition of Earth in the universe encyclopedia both represent the smallness of human-beings, contrary to their original conception. Furthermore, the alien breeds are not perfect at all, many aspects of their actions represent a similar action which is often taken by humans. The destruction of earth without an announcement, is an equivalent of the house-destruction of Ford Perfect, one of the story’s heroes, with out announcing him, both are explained by the governments as actions for the welfare of the population at the cost of suffer for a single person. Adams uses every opportunity to attack the ignorance of humankind especially the bureaucracy of the government, wherever they are, even if they are of alien breeds.
In conclusion, the book, besides being funny, gives us a very special snapshot at the inner-world of the writer, and makes us think of what we have taken obvious, in a different way. Description of one of the characters: Ford Prefer: Ford has first arrived to the planet Earth some fifteen years ago, and he had worked hard to blend himself into earth society- with, it must be said, some success. For instance. He had spent those fifteen years pretending to be an out of work actor, which was plausible enough.
He had made one careless blunder though, because he had skimped a bit on his preparatory research. The information he had gathered had led him to choose the name Ford Prefect. He was not conspicuously tall, his features were striking but not conspicuously handsome. His hair was wiry and with some “Orange” color and brushed backward from the temples. His skin seemed to be pulled backward from the nose. There was something very slightly odd about him, but it was that his eyes did not seem to blink often enough, and when you talked to him for any length of time your eyes began involuntary to water on his behalf.
Perhaps it was that he smiled too broadly and gave people the unnerving impression that he was about “to go for their neck.” He strunk most of the friends he made on earth as eccentric, but a harmless one – an unruly boozer with some oldish habits. For instance, he would often get crash university parties, get badly drunk and start making fun of any astrophysicists he could find till he got thrown out. Sometimes he would get seized with oddly distracted moods and stare into the sky as if hypnotized until someone asked him what he was doing. Then he would start guiltily for a moment, and in some cases even change colors.
“Oh, just looking for flying saucers,” he would joke, and every one would laugh and ask him what sort of flying saucers he was looking for. “Green ones”, He would reply. In fact what he was really looking for when he stared looking into the sky was any kind of saucer at all. The reason he said green was that green was the traditional space livery of the scouts from his planet.
Ford wish that a flying saucer would arrive soon because he knew how to flag it down and get lifts from them. He knew how to see the Marvels of the universe in less than thirty dollars a day. In fact Ford was a researcher for that wholly remarkable book, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”.