Forbidden City Rights Freedom

Canada is multicultural country, and every one is equal and everybody has freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication. But in china it is different. As we could see in novel, people of china and students didn’t have freedom of what they believe. Also reporters didn’t have freedom of press and communication. And Alex says life in Beijing was so complicate and difficult for him because he didn’t have freedom of what he wants to do. First of all the main point of Forbidden City was the demonstration and strike of Chinese students.

The government of china didn’t give students freedom of belief, opinion and expression. Civilization people of china could not say negative things about what they don’t believe. The government didn’t let them to what ever they want to say and what they want to believe, so that’s why there were a huge demonstration in China in 1989. Secondly in Forbidden City the reports didn’t have freedom of the press and media of communication. They were filming stealthy and they hid their cameras. Government of china didn’t let them to taking film and making interviews with Chinese people, also the government didn’t let Chinese Tv and news stations to show and say everything happened in demonstration.

So reporters didn’t have freedom of press and media of communication for what they want to show. Finally in novel, Alex said his life in china was so difficult and sometimes it was boring. Because he didn’t have rights which he has in Toronto. For example, he wanted to see his dad and go to hotel for visiting him, but they didn’t let him. Also his Chinese friends and his dad didn’t let me to go out wherever he wants. He should stay at hotel for while and it made his life more complicate and boring in china.

He couldn’t film what ever he wants because the government of china didn’t let him and reporters to do that and he always hid his camera. So he didn’t have freedom in china and that made him nervous and bored. So in china students didn’t have freedom of thoughts, belief, opinion and expression that’s why they strike and demonstrate in Tian An Men Square for change in the government. Also Reporters didn’t have freedom of press and media of communication and the government didn’t let them to take videos or interviews with Chinese students.

Alex didn’t have freedom too, he always hid his camera and the older people didn’t let him to do what ever he wants or wherever he wants to go.