Frankenstein Essay Victor Was Going Crazy

M aranda Pant alone Period 2 Frankenstein Essay October 31 st 2003 There were many phrases and events in the story that indicated that Victor was going crazy. Some of the indications in the story were both sickening and stupid. There were three indications in the story, so far, that showed me that Victor was going crazy. These events took place in chapters four through eight.

The first event that occurred was in chapter four on page thirty. Victor dug up dead body parts and examined hte m. Victor quoted, “Now I was led to examine the cause and progress of this decay, and forced to spend days and nights in vaults and charnel houses.” This told me right away that Frankenstein was going crazy because no one in their right mind would dig up dead body parts. The second occurrence took place in chapter five on page forty through forty-three.

It was a letter addressed to Victor from Elizabeth. Elizabeth wrote, “You are forbidden to write- to hold a pen, yet one word from you, dear Victor, is necessary to calm our apprehensions.” This passage told me that Victor was not returning any of his family’s letters. This showed that he was obsessed with his work. He found no time for his family and eventually shut them out of his life. Finally, there was an event that took place on page sixty -two in chapter eight. Victor tempted to drown himself in a lake.

Victor quotes, “often, I say, I was tempted to plunge into the silent lake, that the waters might close over me and my calamities forever.” This showed me that he was not only going crazy, but his situation mad him irrational. These are some of the many indications that Victor was going crazy. First, is that he dug up and examined dead bodies. Next, was that he didn’t reply to any of his letter, and furthermore, he tempted drowning himself. For these reasons, I know Victor Frankenstein is going crazy.