Friendships Wealth Antonio Shylock Differences

There are many characters in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant Of Venice. Two of these characters are Antonio, who is a Christian, and Shylock, who is a Jew. These two men are very much enemies. Clearly Antonio and Shylock will have many differences in their friendships, wealth, and morals. However the pair also have similarities in these same areas.

In their friendships life Antonio and Shylock have differences and commonalities. Antonio has at least one very good friend in Venice. The reader knows this because of when Solanio says to Antonio: “Here comes Bassano, your most noble kinsman.” (A. 1 Sc. 1 L.

58) Solanio uses the word “kinsman” to mean a close friend rather than a relative. Shylock, on the other hand, has very little friends because he is a Jew. This is shown when the Duke says to Antonio: “I am sorry for thee: thou art come to answer A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch Uncap able of pity, void and empty From any dram of mercy,” (A. 4 Sc. 1 L. 3-6) This shows that the Duke disapproves of Shylock for having too little mercy to spare the life of Antonio.

Although they have this difference, they also share a common hatred for each other. This is pointed out to the reader when Antonio says to Shylock: “I am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too. If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not As to thy friends, for when did friendship take A breed for barren metal of his friend? But lend it rather to thine enemy; Who if he break, thou may ” st with better face Exact the penalty.” (A. 1 Sc. 3 L.

126- 133) In saying this Antonio clearly states that he is an enemy of Shylock. It is quite clear that Shylock and Antonio have their differences and similarities when it comes to friendships. Shylock and Antonio are the same, yet, in a way different in their wealth. Both men start out rich.

Antonio has all of his money and possessions on his ships at sea. Meanwhile Shylock has all of his wealth at his home where it would be thought to be safe. As the story progresses, all of Antonio’s ships are reported lost and Jessica steals a good portion of her father, Shylock’s, wealth. By the end of the story we learn that Antonio’s ships aren’t lost after all. Also Shylock is forced to give half of his remaining wealth to his daughter and the other half to her when he dies. Antonio ends up wealthier then Shylock does by the end of the play.

The morals of Antonio and Shylock are basically the same, however there are a few differences. Antonio treats Shylock badly because he is a Jew. Shylock, because of this, wanted to kill Antonio. Both Antonio and Shylock are in the wrong by what they do. Later on in the play Shylock gets his opportunity to kill Antonio and would have killed him if Portia did not intervene. Despite this Antonio does not have it in his heart to put Shylock out of all of his money right away.

Although to start off both Antonio and Shylock’s morals are rotten, Antonio decides it is for the best to show mercy. In their friendships, wealth, and morals, Antonio and Shylock have many similarities and differences. It is as though they do everything in their power to make life miserable for the other. In a way Antonio and Shylock act like brothers at a younger age.