In A Seperate Peace there was an external conflict between Gene and Phineas who were the two main characters in the story. Even though the conflict was between the two main characters in the story the conflict grew to such a proportion that it soon affected other students in their class. The conflict between Gene and Phineas was the green-eyed monster know as jealously, but it was far stronger in Gene that it was in Phineas. The jealousy affected Gene and Phineas in different ways, so the boys expressed it in different ways. The reason Phineas was jealous of Gene was because Gene was smart, but even though he had gained his knowledge from countless hours of studying Phineas thought this was a naturally acquired gift.
So in order to bring Gene down to his level Phineas got involved in anything and everything that he could and he even made some things up. And everything that he did Gene had to go along and do too regardless. But as time went on this soon became less of a “i want you to be as stupid as me” thing and more of a “you ” re my best friend and i sould think that you wanna do these things with me because im so much fun”, and eventually he forgot that he was even jealous of Gene until an altercation between the two of them ion their room. The reason Gene was jealous was ironic because it was the actions that Phineas was doing to combat his jealously that pushed Gene ove the edge. Gene was jealous because Phineas was naturally outgoing, athletic and had a certi an charm about him that everyone loved while Gene was an introverted bookworm. But Genes jealously towards Phineas wasn’t the kind that would go away with some “quality best friend time” in order to make himself feel better and at the same time subsequently worse he had to hurt Phineas and hurt him badly.
Badly enough that Phineas could never play sports ever again. And he did, but because everyone loved Phineas they wanted to find out what really happened. They didn’t just want to accept the story given to them by Gene. Gene tried to tell Phineas but he just waved him off under the term insanity. But when he did figure out Gene was telling him the truth he hurt himself and complications during surgery led to his untimely death. Both boys percieved their jealously in a different way so they both handled it a diff ent way and they were both resolved in different ways.
Phineas on the one hand went with the forgive and forget approach. He assumed that because he and Gene had talked it out that it was over and done with. But Gene had not fully talked everything out and he let this bubble under the surface until it came out and he hurt Phineas.