Germanys Power Treaty Versailles Europe

The treaty of Versailles was to no extent a satisfactory European settlement. Though things did come out of the settlement in no way did they have anything to do with the object of the treaty of Versailles which was to find a solution to Germany’s power. The combination of unthought out and “arbitrary” decisions, unenforceability and the treaty makers being disorganized resulted in the treaty being a disaster and not solving any of Europe’s problems about German “predominance.” The problem’s of the treaty of Versailles, was extremely difficult because each person wanted different things. And as a result the people involved in making the treaty often sided with their own judgment and made de scions on “imperfect information.” (pg. 15. Europe, 1914-1945, Alan Sharp).

Not only was their a lack of reasearch and consulting, but many of the deligates were swayed and felt obligated to voice that of the public opinion. The public opi on was not always moral or realistic, and that reflected some of the treaty decisions. The pressure of the public became a major obstacle that the deligates had to consider, if they wanted to be re-elected. As a result of these reason the Versailles treaty had a majority of problems. One of the problems is that most of the decisions made might have been appropriate but they, the allies were not able to enforce them. For example Austro-German union was “expressed ly forbidden,” (pg.

21 Europe, Anthony Lent in), but because this idea was not enforced, the people Outside of Germany came together to create a sense of power which is exactly what the treaty forbode. Because of the treaties inability to enforce their decisions, disastorious results followed. “the frontiers of Germany and France in the Saar and Rhineland; the wider issue of French security; Polish access to the Baltic and the sovereignty of Danzig; reparations; Anglo- France squabbles over middle east.” (pg. 15 Europe Sharp). As a result of this Germany was not denied any power but given it, as well as with this making Europe extremely worried and chaos to strike. Yet another flaw in the Versi alles treaty was when the deligates decided to try and “construct a new Europe.” This would have been a good idea but instead of these new independant states, which surrounded germany, coming together, they individually tried develop on their own.

This created confusion and a lack of power. Because of this Germany became the center of a European power vacuum created by these independant states, and the treaties supposed enforcement and control of Germany’s power, lead to the exact opposite. Thus, defying the object of the Versailles treaty. Defining the treaty of Versailles as satisfactory, is wrong.

A treaty is supposed to make laws or rules to back-up the idea behind it, in this case it was solving Germany’s abundance of power, which in no way did it succeed. The lack of moral and organization of the deligates decision, the failure to enforce these desicions and the chaos that resulted from the treaty all display the reasons behind the deficiency to do anything satisfactory towards the cause.