In today’s society it is important to receive a college education to join the workforce. However, the transition from to college was a very intimidating experience for me. To make the college transition less frightening, I took several precautions while still in high school. These precautions included participating in extracurricular activities, taking challenging courses, as well as developing good time management skills. Challenging courses also benefited me because it helps to prepare me academically for the demanding workload found in college. Taking challenging courses while still in high school helps us prepare for the demanding workload that we will find in college.
Most high school senior students believe that it is their right to take a minimal amount of courses because it is their last year in high school. This kind of thinking can however, frustrate us in the future because we will be overwhelmed by all the work assigned to us in college. College professors expect entering students to have a solid education especially in English and mathematics, and will expect a great amount of effort from us. In college, we do not have the option of complaining about having too much work, therefore getting ready as soon as possible is probably the best thing we can all do.
College professors expect entering students to have a solid education especially in English and mathematics, and will expect a great amount of effort from us. In college, we do not have the option of complaining about having too much work, therefore getting ready as soon as possible is probably the best thing we can all do.