Good And Evil Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz

In a battle between good and evil who triumphs? Does good prevail with its noble ways, or does evil with its cunning, corrupt methods? The idea of good triumphing over evil is a theme that occurs in all art forms. In films the damsel in distress motif is common; fairy tale endings are favoured among today’s society. Musicians have been captivated with the idea of the dark side against the world of good, and have composed pieces incorporating the struggle between the two. Brahms’ fourth movement in his Symphony No. 3 in F major allows for the projection of darkness and brightness through the instruments.

Writers in all genres lean towards this struggle, for example Shakespeare’s King Lear or Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The themes of good and evil are appealing and create stories of romance, adventure and sorrow. The clash between the two is frequently used. However, what is the cause for this clash? In the pursuit of triumph, evil often uses malicious devices to defeat good.

In Shakespeare’s Othello and Mordecai Richler’s The Apprenticeship of the importance of good versus evil is explored through the motifs of morality, reputation and chiaroscuro. The morals of an individual determine whether good or evil is found inside. The characters in both Othello and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz have their own set of morals. They follow these morals whether or not they are good or evil. The character of Duddy Kravitz found in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is morally bankrupt. He lives to make money in order to buy his land and justifies his horrible actions with pathetic excuses.

His stealing of Virgil’s money is just one of his acts. After stealing the money he justifies himself by explaining that he should not have been left alone to do so. His lack of morals is the cause of his mental breakdown, and his failure in the end of the novel. Another character in this novel is Simcha Kravitz, the Zelda of Duddy.

Simcha’s name literally means happiness. The selection of this name shows that he is a good and moral character. His traditional ways are the rules that he follows. This type of order in his life leads to the goodness of his character. He tries to aid Duddy by sharing his life with him but eventually sees the immoral ways of his grandson. The significant moment where he becomes disappointed with Duddy and his ways is when they go to the land: Simcha sat silent and severe in the front of the car.

‘Why didn’t you pick a lot for yourself?’ Duddy asked. ‘I don’t want a farm here.’ … ‘She told me what you did,’ Simcha said. ‘And I don’t want a farm here. (Richler 373) Simcha knew that Duddy had taken Virgil’s money to obtain the land.

He did not want to be a part of such deceitful behaviour. The disappointment in Simcha’s words represent the individual that he is. Simcha had hoped that perhaps Duddy would use his potential for good, and not by means of immoral behaviour. The character of Simcha is very righteous and decent. Similarly, Desdemona in Othello has morals of good nature.

Throughout the play she is referred to as “Fair” Desdemona. This represents her purity in body, mind and soul. In a discussion between herself and Emilia the topic of infidelity comes up. She is disillusioned at the fact that women would consider being unfaithful to their husbands and asks, “Dost thou in conscience think-tell me, Emilia-/That there be women do abuse their husbands/In such gross kind?” (Shakespeare 4. 3. 67-69).

Desdemona strongly states that she would never do such an action to her Othello. This attitude illustrates the morals that she lives by. She knows to be faithful and loyal. Morality, whether good or evil, determines the type of person one is. Ones morals determine the actions. The reputation of one allows for the choice between a path of good or evil.

The reputations of various characters in both texts enable them to change their whole life around. The hunger for reputation turns any individual to the world of good or evil. Dingleman has this reputation of being magnificent. The name “Boy Wonder” suggests a super hero figure.

Max Kravitz always tells stories of him, emphasizing the fact that they were close friends. Duddy idolized him, and was so anxious to meet with him. Dingleman has a reputation among the people, he was the “fabulous Jerry Dingleman” (Richler 11) of Ste. Urbain. In reality, Dingleman was a crook.

He mislead Duddy and soon became the enemy. Those who became close acquaintances soon walked down the same path of evil, all for the glory. The idea of knowing Dingleman gave some a sense of glorification, a reputation seen by others. Likewise, Iago goes down a path of evil due to reputation. Iago’s motives are not clear. However, reputation is one of the factors.

Iago resents the fact the Cassio was given the placement of lieutenant. Cassio, according to Iago is inexperienced. He is a: … great arithmetician, One Michael Cassio, a Florentine, A fellow almost damned in a fair wife, That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of battle knows More than a spinster-unless the bookish theorie, Wher in the to ged consuls can propose As masterly as he. (Shakespeare 1.

1. 20-28) Iago feels that he is more experienced in such areas and dislikes the fact that Othello chooses Cassio over him. Iago constantly receives the title of “honest” Iago which implies his inferiority. Being of the lower class he is reminded of his position as ancient, and lacks confidence with his place in society. This reputation that he lacks leads to his journey of evil. On the other hand, Duddy Kravitz does not use reputation as a way of leading a life of evil.

His reputation is irrelevant to him. He follows the concept of a Machiavellian disciple, “the end justifies the means.” He performs any action despite the consequences. He does not allow for the idea of reputation to get in his way. As long as he is able to make a profit and obtain the land, he is willing do to whatever it takes.

Reputation plays a strong role in both works. It has the power to lead one down any journey, whether it is evil or not. Chiaroscuro is a theme that explores the transition from good to evil. In both works chiaroscuro is very important. As the character of Othello plots the death of his wife he extinguishes the flames and says: [S]he must die, else she ” ll betray more men.

Put out the light, and then put out the light. If I quench thee, thou flaming minister, I can again thy former light restore Should I repent me. But once put out thy light, Thou cunning ” st pattern of excelling nature, I know not where is that Promethean heat That can thy light relume. (Shakespeare 5.

2. 6-13) By killing Desdemona Othello puts the light out. In this play Desdemona’s innocence and purity define her as the light in Othello’s life. Othello takes this internal light and puts it out allowing for the shift from light to dark. Her tragic death soon follows, and darkness prevails. Iago also uses the idea of light to dark.

He decides to use Desdemona’s goodness as a scheme for evil. He decides to, “turn her virtue into pitch, /And out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all” (Shakespeare 2. 3. 380-382). Iago uses Desdemona’s light to destroy Othello. Iago knows that by making Desdemona the foe, everybody will be caught in the net.

Through her he knows that he is in control. Desdemona is described as virtuous and good and through the many lies and deceitful behaviour Iago hopes to turn this side of her into darkness, like pitch. Desdemona has a goodness in her that is commonly found in other characters of other texts. In The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Yvette is the character who is good. She enters into Duddy’s life as a light in complete darkness.

As Duddy travels closer to darkness Yvette is always there to cast a light. She manages to share a love with Duddy, however, never receives any love in return. Yvette is one of the characters in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz that tries to have faith in him and help him reach for the light from the darkness that has empowered his head. Through chiaroscuro the difference between good and evil is apparent.

In Othello and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz the idea of good against evil is seen through the motifs of morality, reputation and chiaroscuro. In the end of each text good and evil are still present, and the battle seems to continue. Good versus evil has the ability to draw an audience to the story. Whether it is a play, a novel or a piece of music, this motif is one that has the ability to catch the attention of anybody. The themes that were mentioned are just some of the reasons as to why there is good and evil in stories.

Many other themes are capable of justifying this clash between the two. Hopefully this essay gave some information on what factors are involved between good and evil.