Good Bad Tomorrow Meh

well other than my title for this email all is good. did tyler come see you teach some swimming? meh. meh. meh.

training hard for soccer so i am beat. i came home after school yesterday and went to sleep from 4 to 10: 30 and then back to sleep at 11: 30. it was sweet. the girl wasn’t too bad.

i wasn’t interested though. i was comic relief for the two of them. so it didn’t get too serious. i have a cold right now.

i think it is sars. jk. but seriously. FUCK what am i doing on here i have to write a cumulative math review test tomorrow.

i should be studying. well this weekend had been a gas. haha i went to kelowna to meet some girl that my friend met on msn. that was fun.

got a little drunk and went bowling. and i thought i was bad before. wow i sucked it up. got like a total of 60. lol. played some soccer today.

that was good. heh heh. got to study for some math 12. that is the only bad thing. i am gonna fail. and as for that wrestling match.

you are going down. i can forse e it. Allright well, i’m heading off to bed, just thought i’d say goodnight, and thanks for stopping by earlier… hope you have a good day tomorrow, i’ll catch up with you soon. Hey well i’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you, we got caught up in our game of croquet, and by the time we were done it was late. At any rate, i’ll talk to you tomorrow, have a good night and i’ll see you soon..