The main purpose of college is to educate people, and to teach them the skills they will need to be successful in their careers and in everyday life. Grades are used to show how well, or how weak a student is doing in a particular subject. However, do grades help or hurt the student? Now days, some professors do not give students exams during the semester. Basically, students get graded on how well they do on the final exam. The problem here is since the students were not tested on the subject material before the final exam, there is a chance that the student will not receive a good grade.
Grades can be helpful since they reflect how a student is doing in the course. Therefore, can be beneficial for college students. One way grading system can be beneficial for college students is that it influences them to do their class work. The reason that most students work hard in college is to get good grades.
Moreover, they work hard to achieve a high grade point average (GPA). If college students were not receiving grades, most of them would not do their assignments as much. So what would push students do their work? Why would students study for tests if it is not going to make any difference for them? If students are getting graded on their work, students will work hard and try their best to get good grades. Along with that, students will pay more attention in class so that they can get better grades.
For example, if students are getting graded for attendance, students will attend more classes, which would help them learn more. If college students were not graded, they would slack off on their assignments and tests because it just would not matter whether students did their work or not. Students could work on their homework for five hours and do an extremely good job on it, and there would not be that A+ to be proud of. Therefore, without a grading system students would eventually start slacking more and more off his / her homework. Another way grading system can be beneficial for college students is that it influence students to compete with other students in college. Grades are useful in many ways, not just to know how a student is doing, but also to know how other students are doing.
In addition, grading system encourages students to get better grades than the other students in class, so they can be among the top of the graduating class. Moreover, students who are at the top of the class with higher GPA are more likely to get better job offers than the students with low GPA. A final way grading system can be beneficial for college students is that it allows professors, as well as the student, to see the amount of material that is being learned. If the student needs extra help in a certain class, nobody would know if the student was not being graded. If professors know a student’s weaknesses, they can help them in that area, so that the student can improve.
Grades are needed to see what a student is good and bad in. For example, if a student wants to be a doctor, he / she has to know whether he / she is good in science or not. Another example, of how grading system can be beneficial for college students is that it can be applied to the work place. If a corporation like Microsoft company wants to hire college students, they would want to know whether that student knows enough about computers or not. Therefore, that student’s grades can help the company determine his / her ability to work. For those reasons, it is very important that the grading system should be used to understand the student’s knowledge.
Grading system is definitely needed in college. Without the grading system what would college be for? College is a place where students come to learn more education. Grading system helps students figure the amount of knowledge they have gained. Grades can also help students making decisions about their career.
Without grades, how students would show how much they have learned? Students need to be tested and graded in order to determine how much they have learned through their courses in college.