Growing Up In Urban Setting

How Growing up in an Urban Setting Shapes the Individual To fully understand how growing up in an urban setting affects individuals we must examine negative and positive consequences and how an individual might negotiate these possibilities. As I examine when I was growing up how some people who grew up in a urban setting become violent or become drug dealers of negative consequences. Because they think that they can’t become anything or that’s the only thing they can do in life because of where they came from. Most people who grow up to be violent is because how they lived or if they grew up around a violent life as a child. According to “School – Community collaboration to Improve the Quality of Life for Urban Youth and their Families” Kathleen Cotton quotes demographer Harold Hodgkinson in identifying problems that place young people at risk of failure: -A high percentage of babies born, to drug – and -alcohol – using mother’s and or mothers who receive no prenatal care -A high incidence of child abuse -A high incidence of poverty -Major changes in family structure, most notably a significant increase in single parent families which are usually headed by women -High correlation between lack of education and poverty -High correlation between lack of education and crime -High correlation between dropout and prisoner rates (“School – Community) I think if there were more both parent families instead of a single parent family it would be a higher percentage of children graduating from high school and less young children having kids of their own. Because the children will have both parents at home and a lot of support, courage, and love from two parents, because most single parent families some children feel they are not getting all the love and support they need from one parent, and feel one child is getting more love than the other.

When I was a kid I used to feel like that sometimes, because I also grew up in a single parent family. That’s why some children come out to be violent because they think it’s nothing to live for. I think a male needs a father figure or someone to look up to, a role model. That’s why I think Robby from the book Brothers and Keepers was going though the things he was going though like stealing, selling drugs, and doing drugs because he needed someone to look up to.

But Robby was the type who wanted to be different from his brother, the professor; he wanted to e his own person. That’s why I think Robby knew everything he was doing on the streets was bad, but didn’t care because he thought this is all he got. After his friend Garth die, Robby didn’t think life was worth living for because Garth was the one that Robby looked up to and gave him hope in life. Also I think the reason some people turn to negative consequences is because they look around them and see a lot of negative things and how no one really have a lot going for themselves. I think once they see this they don’t think there is anything out there for them to do, or that this is the place they will be for the rest of their lives, or they think they will never be able to get out of this place. They need to look beyond that and look at the positive things they can do in life to get out of that place.

As I examine when I was growing up how some people who grew up in a urban setting become successful, want to do something in life, and achieve things because of positive consequences. Maybe not so much as positive consequences, but they look around them and see that this wasn’t going to be the way they were going to live when they grew up and they was going to do something about it. From my experience living in an urban setting, I saw a lot of things that went on in the streets and I told myself I was going to live differently and do something with my life. And I’m still trying to achieve my goal. I graduated from high school and an attending college to become a Registered Nurse. This is like what Esperanza is saying in The House on Mango Street, how she wanted to escape from where she was living, wanted to live in a beautiful house, and how she hated some things that went on in her neighborhood.

Esperanza always talked about how she lived, how she was going to get away from that place, but not forget where she came from. According to Like A Free Private Academy Dan Cray writes: Infamous as the scene of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, south central is populated mostly by hard working Latino and black families. Half it’s residents never completed ninth grade. Forty – three percent of it’s household earn less than $15, 000 a year. The lure of crime and drugs is always whispering just down the alley.

Yet Accelerated shows that even in this setting academic excellence is possible. (Cray) That’s why I think it doesn’t matter if you live in an urban setting or not, there still good things that can come out of it if everyone will work together to achieve it. That’s another thing that’s wrong in a urban setting people don’t try to work together, they ” re all for themselves. Helping each other is something an urban setting need to work on and maybe for the next generation it would be more to look forward to when they grow up.

According to “Positive Attitudes, behavior, and Community ties in poor urban neighborhood The impact of neighborhood Poverty level, Household economic states and social variables”: The daily experiences of persons who live in poor, urban neighborhood are, in the larger society. Based on these results, I contend that poor urban residents poverty in a variety of ways based on validating experience that impact pattern of integration and isolation. (Positive Attitudes) That’s something the urban people don’t realize that they and the larger society are similar in ways. If the urban people don’t focus on the urban experiences and think positive they can make the urban setting a better place to live and better things to do. From me watching the movie The Ditch digger Daughter’s, it remind me of how hard it is to become someone living in an urban setting.

It’s about a man with 5 daughters growing up in an urban setting, which he pushes his daughters to become successful, get good grades, and achieve their goal and become a doctor. And at the end they all became doctors because they had someone pushing them. I think even though people in a urban setting can be successful, it’s also a struggle when your living in a urban setting and it takes hard work to get where you want to be in life. So you do what you have to do to achieve that because even if you live in a urban setting you still can achieve your goal if you put your mind into it.