I had just gotten home from my friends house when I saw that the door in my kitchen was unlocked. Once I had locked it I went into the living room to lie down and watch some television. It was only shortly after I finally found a good show on, that I heard a crunching and slurping sound behind all of the other loud sounds. I lowered the volume, listened for a few seconds and then got back to my show. When the next show had started, the sounds started again but now there was another sound that I couldn’t make out. This time I got up and walked to the kitchen where I was scared to death when I saw my cousin.
I hadn’t seen him for 12 years and here he was eating celery, drinking ginger ale and frying sausages in my kitchen at 2 o’clock in the morning. The last time I had seen him was just before he went to his favorite Belgian food restaurant, called L’actuel at 1194 Peel Street. This time, unlike others, he went alone to L’actuel. He also took a credit card. If you know my cousin the rest falls right into place. The owner called us at around midnight to tell us that my cousin owes $500.
00 to him and he had to work it off until every cent was paid back. After he worked it off he never came back until now. He is trying to explain but I can’t understand a word over the noise of the celery… anyways, where were we…
right. He scurried on to a plane to a desert island, which he wasn’t allowed to tell me about. The reason and only reason why he went there was because they told him that he would get the return flight free of charge. In the desert, he stayed there for eleven and a because that was the only other place he could take. We thought he had died three years after he went missing. He explains his eleven and a half years there as a lifetime.
The only things he had to eat were leaves and turnips. He says that of everything he didn’t have for eleven and half years, the one he missed the most, was eating Belgian food at L’actuel. He tells me that he came to my house now, because L’actuel was closed and this was the closest place with food. My cousin just went to sleep because he was extremely tired.
I think that the one and only thing he will want to do tomorrow, is eat Belgian food at L’actuel. I think I will go with him. The last time I had seen my cousin he was twelve (12) years old. He was thin and short. Now 12 years later, he has become a grown up.
He has gained a little bit of weight, and has a mustache. He has a very hearty appetite. He ordered almost everything off the menu. After all, it had been a long, long time since he had eaten at this restaurant.
He could not decide what to order, so he ordered one of everything on the menu. I really enjoyed seeing my cousin again after all those years. It was like a lifetime ago, but at the same time it seemed like he never left at all. We talked about our lives before he left, all the fun we used to have together, and all the games we used to play. Pretty soon, it will be back to normal around here and I won’t even know the difference or feel weird around him. We have a lot of catching up to do, but we will have lots of time to do so.
We will make new memories together and share them always.