Hate Is Baggage Derrick And Danny

“The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour on it, the more it will contract.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Racism- it’s almost impossible to turn on a news program, read a newspaper, magazine article, or engage in a political discussion without that word coming up at one time or another. This rage has many forms, from the hoods of the Ku Klux Klan, to the shaved heads and swastikas of today’s skinheads. All these ideas are presented within the movie American History X, when the audience joins the lives of Derrick and Danny Vineyard. Moreover, the movie allows people to see the many sides of racism present in everyday life. As the movie progresses, the viewers begin to learn that racism is passed on from generation to generation, it knows no culture, and that there is no room for racism in society today.

Family traditions and heritage are customarily passed from parent to a child. Not only are favorable traditions passed on, but also the adverse traits of the parents. If racism was not passed on throughout history then we would not witness it on the streets and in our own homes today. We must learn to put racism in our past and begin to mature as a society. We must all learn to set examples and see people for what they have to offer, instead of for their outside appearances. If people begin to believe, just as Derrick and Danny did, that “Every problem in this country is race related” our whole world will be drastically altered forever.

Children can only gain knowledge of such false accusations from the media and those they have learned from throughout their lives. Ideas of such hate cannot just appear in somebody’s head, but instead are learned from an outside source. After their father is killed, indirectly, by two black men, Derrick and Danny begin to believe that any race other than the white race is inferior. Certain ideas which are implanted into children’s minds early in life can later become part of their own personality and beliefs. Parents must carefully scrutinize what they will express in front of children to protect them later in their development. Because racism is present in everyday life, some people must begin to grow and remove racism from streets and from inside their households.

Not until this happens, can society, as a whole, strive for peaceful coexistence. When some people think of racism, they think of the racism focused on blacks, but in today’s society racism knows no colors. Racism can occur anytime to anybody, no matter what ethnic background, skin pigment or language they speak. It is a fact that most people will attempt to take the easiest routes in life, and this idea can be applied to racism. Some people and Danny believe that “Minorities don’t care about their country; they come here to exploit it, not embrace it.” Racists do not see the colored doctors and teachers that are contributing to society. But these racists must begin to realize that for society to extend past its primitive dogma, everyone must be equipped with equitable opportunities.

Moreover, some people are oblivious to the racism around them throughout their lives. While Derrick is in prison, he is acquainted with a new form of racism which he never knew before. It is directed toward him. The inmates inform him frequently that he is “the nigger now” because of his different outside appearance compared to those around him. For people to learn from their mistakes, most have to be placed in the position of the accused instead of the accuser. They must be able to see all viewpoints of the issue and they will hopefully decide to change their life.

We must begin to grow as a world toward better understanding of each other, and begin to look down our paths and realize that the easiest decisions may have the worst consequences. Racism is an issue that affects most parts of the globe. It burns inside certain human being and creates hate and devastation. People must see that racism is not an answer to any of our problems, and to flourish as a whole without stereotypes, it must be eliminated. It is proven that racism kills. Within the context of the movie, all scenes portraying murders are seen in black and white, which portrays that this is how those involved would have seen each other, just black and white.

People must look past appearances and begin to deeply see what others have to offer, no matter race, ethnicity, or heritage. Not only does racism destroy lives, it also tears apart families. Derrick and Danny’s ideas were so radical that their family began to pull apart and become violent because of the difference of opinions. Racism not only attacks those that people resent but also those they love. People must understand that prejudices are what fools use to reason their actions.

In the conclusion of the movie, Danny finally realizes that all of which he used to believe is no longer ethical in the way he now views the world. If people can change their lives sooner, then they may not be victims of the same racist shooting that killed Danny. Certain people must realize that they are wrong before their beliefs can recoil. No matter what people say or do they can never justify racism, in the words of Danny “hate is baggage; life is too short to be pissed off all the time. It’s just not worth it!” American History X is a depiction of what may become of our everyday lives if we allow racism to destroy our world. With our knowledge that racism is passed down generation to generation, knows no ethnic boundaries, and that it is an injustice to ourselves and to those we love we must progress as an entire race toward the glory of life.

We all must begin to regard the words of those in our pasts and learn from their mistakes, and find the true message behind their statements. As stated by former president Abraham Lincoln, “We are not enemies, but friends, we must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”.