Henry Lawson Joe Wilson

Lawson’s funny stories are the best. Do you agree? ? ? Reading Henry Lawson short stories was such a delight. He truely made the bush come to life within the stories he wrote. He used humour in many of the stories but not in all of them. I don’t agree that Lawson’s funny stories were the best because my favourite stories in the book were the stories of Joe Wilson and his life in the bush. These stories about Joe Wilson and his life and family really touched me and helped me to appreciate the comfortable life that I live.

Lawson doesn’t use humour in The Joe Wilson stories because Joe is telling us about his life the good and the hardships he has delt with it’s not about humour but purely simply about life and the Life that Joe and Mary lead. What I love about Joe Wilson in these stories is the love that he has towards his wife and his son. In Brighton’s sister in law he is depicted in this story as a loving father and husband by his actions and what he says in the story for instance when talking about his son “He was a wonderful chap Yes, I know all about parents thinking that their child is the best in the world.” This really touched me. Lawson uses Joe as a narrator so that we get a better feel of his life. He is sharing his life with the readers. Humour is always good but when a story can really touch you and make you feel something deep and meaningful it truely is a great story.

Lawson doesn’t use humour in The Joe Wilson stories because Joe is telling us about his way of life the good aspects and the hardships he has delt with. It’s not about humour but purely simply about life and the Life that Joe and Mary lead. Brighten’s sister in law is definately my favourite story in the whole book because this story tell’s the hardships of bush life and how it’s hard to make money and that you have to work extra hard to make a living Joe said in the story “Before this whenever I made a few pounds i’d sink a shaft somewhere, prospecting for gold: but Mary never let me rest till she had talked me out of it.” Also Joe’s worries about his son in the bush “I was scared now. I remembered a neighbour of ours had a little girl die, and when she was going she said:’ Take the blankets off me, muvver i’m dying’. These are true emotions and feelings and these are the main reasons why i don’t agree that Lawson’s funny stories are the best. Having and showing love in a story also touches me because I am a sucker for love stories and messages of love within stories.

In the humour less Joe Wilson stories Joe and his wife Mary have alot of hope and optimism even after all the hardships they had delt with because they are very close and stand by and support each other and their is alot of Love there. They love each other very much. As you can see I have made it clear the reasons why I believe in my opinion that Lawson’s funny stories are not the best because I was much more moved by the Joe Wilson stories which didn’t contain humour but just his way of life.