A countless number of students anticipate graduation day and the new life experiences that come with it. Most of the undergraduates fantasize about what they are going to encounter after graduation. Many believe that they will go on to college, while a few will go directly to work. Those that look forward to college may think about what careers they will go into, if they are going to move away, and other various concerns. Then the day finally comes and they graduate. They generally celebrate by participating in graduation ceremonies and graduation parties.
The summer months usually fly by, and it is time to start school again, college, a different experience. The transition from high school to college is often a shock to the freshman’s system. Some of the encounters will be familiar to those in high school, while others will be different. The chief similarities and dissimilarities are freedom, attitude, workload, and classes.
Colleges usually grant their students more freedom than high school. High school administration is strict on tardiness, absences, and skips. A student that receives too many tardieu will most likely receive a detention. An excessive amount of absences many cause the student to be dropped from the course. Skips will lead to suspensions.
Disciplinary actions are taken to these and many times the parent or guardian is informed. In college, most professors do not pay attention to attendance, and disciplinary measures are not taken. A few teachers may count the absences against the student because they are not taking part in the lecture. Participation points count as a part of their class.
At both schools, violence, or even a hint of it will not be tolerated. High school and college, like any other public institution has a set of rules and regulations that everyone must respect and adhere to it. These regulations are similar in their objective, which is to create a safe and healthy learning environment. In high school the student’s parents or guardians are informed about the student’s progress. In college, it is the student that learns about his or her progress. A bad progress in either one of the schools will force the student to take the class over again.
In high school there is a strict dress code and many try to challenge it. Usually the undergraduates may not wear anything to tight, revealing, or short. In college the student may wear whatever he or she pleases. In both schools the student may pick their courses. In high school the courses are limited because most are general eds, which are required to graduate. The student however is able to choose his or her electives.
In college, the student has many courses to choose from. They select the classes that are necessary for their program. In high school the student is required to be at school five days a week at the same time every morning and leave at the same time in the afternoon. The time schedule is chosen for the person.
In college, the students choose their time schedule by indicating at what time they want to take each class. Another transition from high school to college that students will notice will be how similar and different attitudes are. In both schools, the students are transforming into young adults. They are maturing emotionally. They also began to take on more responsibly and become more independent. Many work and take care of daily chores.
Cliques are a large part of high school. Many students strive to fit in and be well liked. In college, cliques usually do not exist. People are usually themselves and don’t try as much to blend in because they are more concentrated on their studies. In high school, students are around each other for many years, so they get to know each other and their personality. They may also become very judgmental of each other.
They may spread rumors, be unpleasant to each other, and even start fights. They are still somewhat immature. In college, the students are usually more mature as they are put out into the real world. In high school, many may believe that they are learning for their parents and teachers.
In college, the students realize that they are learning for themselves and that they determine their own future. Another important factor that has many similarities and differences between high school and college is workload. The workload between the two schools differs. In college the student may be forced to support himself or herself fully by working and go to school full time. A few of these students may even have children to take care of. This creates additional workload, which may be stressful and overwhelming.
In high school, the student usually lives with the parent or the guardian and do not have children. In high school, homework is often assigned, collected and graded. Homework is a large part of the final grade. In college, it is rare to be assigned and collected. Homework that is assigned, but not collected, is usually to the students benefit to complete, because it prepares him or her for the test.
In both schools there are quizzes and tests, which count as a large part of the final grade. College tests usually cover much more material than high school ones. In high school most of the time is spent doing homework. In college, most of the time is spent studying. High school students have a steady workload with six classes. The college student’s workload depends on the difficulty of the course and the amount of credit hours he or she takes.
High school courses are different from the college ones. High school has one program for all the students, while college is selective. There is a good reason for this, because, how else would a young person find out what they like and at what they are good at. There is also a difference in pace. First of all, a class that isn’t an elective usually lasts about ten months and is slowly paced. Young people are expected to complete high school in four years, while college can be attended at a student’s own pace.
The high school class session is relatively short, about forty-five minutes. College courses are faster paced. A student finishes a class in one semester, which is about four months long. The class session is also longer, depending on how many credits it is, but they usually only go to that class two or three times a week. In both schools, the student has to take all the required classes to graduate.
In college the student also pays for the classes they take. The amount of money they pay depend on the school and if they are a resident or not. High school courses are for free because they are paid with tax money. In both schools the students register for classes.
In high school the students register in a group with their counselors assisting them. In college the most students register on phone or the web. In college some classes may be taken online, while in high school a student may not take any online. In high school all the classes are in the same building. In college, the classes may be in several different buildings, even be a few miles apart from each other. In high school, classes contain a certain age group that most people fit into.
In college the different age groups may vary from high school seniors to senior citizens. High school and college have numerous similarities and differences. It may take time to adjust to some of the variations. Some of the transformations, the students will enjoy such as the freedom and picking their own schedule. Some of the changes the students will dislike such as paying for school and having faster paced classes. The transition may take time, but many students enjoy it..