History Interesting Past Freedom

this is my essay. I am writing it as we speak. I’m not sure what it is you want me to write. Oh yes, history.

Very well, then I shall discuss history. History is interesting because it is what has ahppened in the past. However, what I just wrote is history too, because although when I wrote it, it was the present, now it no longer is. Now it is a part of history. History is also the name of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits album. Now he has an interesting history, but we shouldn’t discuss this since this is an essay and not a gossip column.

Now, back to history. I think it is interesting how nothing really happens in the past. What I mean is, no one really considers it the past while it is happening. Context is very important, I must say. For example, when they all wore those ugly pink suits at the 1976 Olympics, they didn’t know it would be bad in retrospect, they were blinded by context. That is what history is.

Moreover, history is latin for “history” or “his story.” I’m surprised that feminists have not picked up on this yet and demanded that, you know, the word be changed to “person-story” or something to that effect. They are very weird individuals. But so is everyone else I suppose. It just doesn’t make any sense. None of it. As we all know, freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four, and that I think therefore I am; however, r that is only in the present.

People can control your thoughts through history. Have you ever noticed how the bud guys have never won a war? that’s because those who win wars write history. That it truly remarkable I think. And that is maybe there is no such thing as history at all.