A city at night I had finally reached my destination, . As I strolled out of the clustered subway my eyes glittered with excitement, my two lengthy hour journey was over. The lights sparkled magnificently like glitter dust in an assortment of colours in the sky. The mayhem traffic on the narrow roads resembled a war zone. The atmosphere was murky, the uncontrolled smoke from the raring car exhausts made me feel as if my throat was clogging up, I began to cough vigorously. My stomach began to rumble as I glanced at all the elegant restaurants, one of which grabbed my attention, its sign stood out reading ” sushi supreme” I decided to take a look inside.
A young attractive waitress wearing a traditional oriental dress approached me and said “Why not try, you ” ve got nothing to lose” her attempt to persuade me had paid off. As I perused the well-addressed menu I was slightly put off by the unreasonable prices, but I thought to myself its not every day that you get to try the Chinese delicacies. It took approximately twenty minutes for the highly skilled chefs to prepare my sushi with a side order of rice with sweet and sour source. “Enjoy”, the waitress said tantalizingly as she lay my food in front of me. I noticed that the portions were rather small.
I nervously took a bite out of the sushi. Mmm, the quality of the food to my surprise was superb I managed to finish the whole dish within thirty-five minutes. My hunger was reasonably satisfied. As I left the restaurant I for some strange reason decided to take a fortune cookie, ‘your future holds good surprise’. I began to pick up pace as I wondered through the raging streets of Hong Kong. “Wow” I was truly impressed by the gigantic skyscrapers, which towered over me.
It began to drizzle, I hurried to the nearest shelter, which was an ally, large signs saying thieves about alerted my attention. From the glamorous streets of Hong Kong I found myself on the other side of town known as Cardboard City. The foul pungency hit me hastily. “Do you have any spare change please” an old man asked, a tear formed in my eye to see people living in these unhygienic conditions made me sulk. How could anyone describe these unfortunate souls as thieves? I checked my pockets for spare change luckily I had twelve dollars which I gave to the man. The rain quickly died down, I started to make my way back.
Darkness soon fell in the sky. I was stunned by the magnificent night-lights, it was as if I had been transported through a warp to the future. I headed down Palmer Street, which was said to be to be one of the most active areas of Hong Kong. The shops were gleaming with overwhelming lights, I stopped, I could hear some sort of singing, and it sounded as if it was coming from the north. From a distance I could see a group of people dancing, it was obvious that a celebration was taking place. I followed my senses as I got closer I approached a man in a polite manor and asked “what is all the commotion about” he replied “the Chinese state circus have returned from their world tour, and are holding a gathering for all their supporters.” As the day drew to a close, I checked into one of the Chinese five-stare hotels.
As I snuggled into my fine silk Chinese pyjamas. I dreamt of what a magnificent day I had experienced.