How To Surf Fish For Barred Perch

There are several different species of fish in the surf zone. This list includes Corbin a, Yellowfin Croaker, White Sea Bass, Barred Perch, Walleye Perch, Leopard Shark, Shovel Nose Shark and Halibut. The Barred Perch is the most prominent surf fish in Southern California. The Barred Perch can be caught all year long in Southern California no matter the water temperature. The best way to describe a Barred Perch is it has the shape of a football but flat, silver in color with light grayish blue up toward the dorsal fin and golden colored vertical stripes and dots. A Barred Perch will get as big as four pounds.

The best type of fishing rod to use for Barred Perch is a seven to eight foot light action rod rated four to ten pound test line. The best reel to use is a spinning reel also four to ten pound test. The best line to use is p-line cxx in four to six pound test; its abrasion resistance properties really fit the fishing situation. You can fish a conventional rod and reel if you feel comfortable, but when you get a backlash and you can’t get it untangled pack up and head home. Spinning reels won’t backlash there made not to. You ” ll also need a bucket with a lid, a sand spike or rod holder with a long spike, assorted hooks, pyramid sinkers, egg sinkers, glass beads and swivels.

The clothing needed are short pants, rubber boots, and a heavy coat because the weather can change rapidly. It’s probably a good idea to have a change of clothes in your vehicle you just never know when that rouge wave is going to crash on the beach and get you wet. I’ve read several articles suggesting the best times to fish according to the tide tables. After years of surf fishing, the best time that I’ve found to fish is one hour before high tide to one hour after.

If the high tide is at or around sunset, the fish will bite best at dusk. If you plan to fish on August 3 rd high tide is at 7: 29 a. m. and the height is 3. 2 feet. Which means that the ocean water rises 3.

2 feet in that area. The higher the height generally the better the fishing. If you look at the tide chart that I included notice that there is no p. m. tide for Aug. 2, if you look at Aug.

3 you see a 12: 55 a. m. low tide. This means the p. m. low tide for that day actually falls the next morning.

Tide charts take time to be efficient at reading them. You can buy the tide table for the entire year at your local fishing and tackle shop. Tides at Outer Los Angeles Harbor Date High Ht. Low Ht. High Ht.

Low Ht. Today 2: 05 a. m. 3. 5 8: 19 a.

m. 1. 8 3: 27 p. m. 4.

5 10: 29 p. m. 2. 2 Aug. 1 3: 46 a. m.

3. 1 9: 01 a. m. 2. 2 4: 18 p. m.

4. 7 11: 55 p. m. 1.

7 Aug. 2 5: 58 a. m. 3 10: 00 a. m.

2. 5 5: 10 p. m. 4. 9 none Aug. 3 7: 29 a.

m. 3. 2 12: 55 a. m.

1. 1 6: 00 p. m. 5. 3 11: 12 a.

m. 2. 7 In Southern California, the weather at the beach is generally different from the inland. In the morning it can be clear and sunny inland and at the beach it’s over-cast and cold. In the evening at the beach it’s windy and cold anytime of the year.

You never know how the weather is going to be like at the beach. Reading the water is the hardest thing to learn when it comes to surf fishing. The water color can range from crystal blue to green to red. If the water is red, that means that there is a red tide. When plankton in the water die the water turns a rusty color, this is called a red tide and I’ve never caught a fish in this water condition. If the water is crystal blue the fish tend to get spooked.

It’s like a horse that’s blindfolded, it can’t see and it’s relaxed. Take the blindfold off and the horse gets spooked. The best water is green water. The green water is a little murky and the fish seem to bite well in this water condition. Trying to find the best part of the beach to fish on is a little easier.

When you look at a stretch of beach, it’s for the most part, flat and sloped towards the water. Then looking closer you ” ll see pockets of sand that are lower than the rest of the sand. These are the areas that you want to fish around. Seeking a fish in the water is a great indication that fish are up near the beach feeding. How you see them is waiting for the wave to build and by looking into the wave. The use of a good pair of polarized glasses help see the fish much clearer.

There are a few different ways to fish for Barred Perch. My favorite ways to fish are still fishing and throwing a plastic grub. For still fishing use a sand spike, rod, reel, sinker and live bait (sand crabs, ghost shrimp, or bloodworms). Sand crabs are the natural food of all surf fish in this area. Though ghost shrimp and bloodworms are also very effective. In the winter months I prefer to use ghost shrimp, because the Barred Perch tend to be bigger in size than any other time of year.

When the fish are biting very regularly there is no hesitation to pick up my other rod and reel and start to cast and retrieve the plastic grub. The advantage of this is to cast and retrieve to cover a larger area more quickly. With these methods I’ve caught as many as thirty fish in a couple of hours. What to do once you hook a fish? Reel the fish in and let him take line when the fish wants to. You ” ll be fighting against the surge once the water recedes back to the ocean.

Start reeling once the water starts to move toward the beach, it will be a back and forth battle for a little bit. Once you have worn out the fish, start reeling when the water surges toward the beach and then pull the fish up on the sand. I usually release the fish back into the ocean although Barred Perch is very good to eat. Good luck in your surf fishing adventure..