The main theme of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is adventure. The adventures of Huck show different emotions and the different roads of life. Mark Twain, the author, uses setting, theme, imagery, satire, characterization, and other elements. Satire is used of human nature when Huck sees Sherburn shoot Boggs, who everyone knows is harmless. When the angry mob goes to lynch Sherburn, he takes a stand on his porch.
Sherburn then himself makes his speech. He accuses the men of being cowards. He says that no one really wants to be there and everyone is afraid. He goes on to say that they failed to bring a “true man,” someone to follow who is brave and has a purpose. After the end of the speech, the crowd disperses. The speech was so powerful that it made Huck think, “I could a staid, if I’d wanted to, but I didn’t want to.” Twain uses Sherburn’s speech to satirize the average man.
Huck learns from this experience about the average man and his limitations. This is a constant theme throughout the book as Huck is always learning and playing on the nature of humans. Through the killing, the speech, and Huck’s emotion, Twain used satire to portray all the details to create an astonishing way for Huck to show his thinking. Characterization is an element that Twain used strongly to show what type of person Huck really was. In the beginning of the story, Huck had no aversion to slavery. In the middle he meets a slave and helps him escape to freedom.
In the end, Huck has a totally different view of blacks. The slave’s name is Jim. Huck’s characterization is showed when Huck’s teacher talks to both Huck and Jim and therefore creates the difference in the way Huck and Jim talk. This gives Huck character. In the book it is from pages two to five. Huck grows and matures while learning things through Jim.
Huck discovers the evils of society, but also discovers his own moral values. Twain shows Huck’s characterization through the story by Huck’s changes. Huck becomes more mature while taking the steps into manhood. The setting is a very important element used in this story.
The novel is set it St. Petersburg, Missouri, a town on the Mississippi River. The setting is natural meaning it’s in a real town, not a fictional spot made up just for the story. Twain uses setting to bring out the bittersweet reality of the town. During this time racism is still strong and present, however it isn’t as bad as it was in the previous history. Twain makes the town create the strong feeling of voice through the way people talk and their actions done.
The setting of when and where the story takes place makes all the other aspects of the story come true. Mark Twain used basic element to create a masterpiece. Twain used characterization, satires, and setting very strongly throughout the whole book. The elements made the story what it really is. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes reading about people’s life and their adventures. It was a great book and made me feel like I needed to go out and learn more through others..