Human Cloning And Ethics

Webster’s dictionary defines ethics as, “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.” With this moral duty and obligation, people are designed to take intelligence, and provide good usage to those things that will better life and the society around it. With all the technology of today, we have taken a beautiful thing in creation, and turned it into a mockery of sorts, by playing the role of the creator. With this, the process has begun; cloning humans is becoming a rising ethical conflict in the world today. It is left to those people who will be the leaders of tomorrow who will decide what is ethical and unethical. Cloning is the creation of living matter such as a cell or an organism. The copies of these certain things are known as clones.

Cloning began thousand of years ago in simple ways, such as a cutting of a plant and letting it root make another plant. Early farmers devised breeding techniques to reproduce plants with such characteristics as faster growth, larger seeds, or sweeter fruits. The process of cloning humans has begun and through genetic and DNA reconstruction it is being made possible. Many people through the year believe that what if they were to create a clone by taking the DNA from an Adolph Hitler or a Napoleon, wouldn’t this create a monster whose heart is sought out only to kill? No, this is wrong, just because the DNA is from that person, people must understand that the creation is given freewill such as the monster had in the book “Frankenstein.” The monster was created through Victor. Victor ran from his creation and left the monster to tend to him self and to be raised in a society that only loves beautiful people.

Society is what drove the monster to do the things that it did and that would to be the same with any other creation, whether it be right or wrong. Although it may truly be wrong to create life, this complaint is irrelevant. A strong ethical issue, that has probably been the strongest issue of all cloning, is that if the cloner were to be playing God. The issue that arises here is the point of religious ethnic background being jeprodized by cloning. Most people with the belief in a divine being believe that people were created on this earth by their God. They believe in the use of the great tool of their God gave them to continue the path of life.

This has become well known as the reproductive system. These religious people believe that it contradicts every thing that that they have been taught and is not the place for man to toil. In the book, this problem significantly ties in by showing the creation and the manner at which the creation was created that follows up on this topic. By creating the monster, Victor became the divine one for his creation. In the bible it says, “Let there be no other Gods before me.” Although this is only one religion, many religions feel the same way. The book shows that if someone is created genetically and not in regular formation, the ruler ship of that souls life has any ties to the supernatural being, but of a worldly one.

Therefor, the cloned person would have a worldly God as opposed to the way of any other creation on earth has one of greater proportion. Another Ethical dilemma is the psychological well being of the cloned child. When the child is first cloned it will be faced with many different prejudices. Many people worry that because the child was not created, as every other human child was that as they grow up that this would be something that would be used against the child. (9) In the book the monster was created and with all the scars and his hideous features. Everyone who saw him either cursed him or ran away from him.

Not to say that the child will be scared and ugly. The book however, has given the importation that this is what would happen to these kids, that society would treat them differently, not because their looks as the monster dealt with, But by how differently they were created. What many scientist now say is the children that will be made through cloning, will have to be cared for and nurtured far better than any other children in the world. Some ethicist’s voice their opinions about the use of clones also being used as means only of body parts.

This brings forth a very serious issue that makes people that feel every living thing is on the earth for a reason. Most people would say it is the same as murder. If you give something life it is that things decision whether or not it wants to be used a cadaver for its parts. In fact with these upcoming issue the legal experts are having assure people that the clones will also have the same legal and ethical rights any one else would have.

In the book, the creation of the monster was created by the stealing of dead peoples body parts. Would this not also be the same by using the body parts of a living breathing creation in a clone? Is it the clones fault that it was created for this purpose? Many people think not. It is neither ethical nor just that a clone be brought into world only to be taken out without the chance of that clone being able to live life and enjoy the rights every human on this earth has. These ethical issues are only a few of what are sure to be the beginning of a library full. The people of today will decide if this is truly, where they want life in their future to be led to.

It is the moral duty and obligation of every man, and women who inhabit this earth to continue in the splendors of life. If cloning is truly unethical, than it will be up to the leaders of tomorrow to step up and fulfill their ethical role. If it proves that the generations believes that cloning can be ethical than the birth of a new life and wonder will be opened before their eyes. The question in the future will be how to handle it when there is no other way around it; those leaders are faced with that decision. Hopefully for the sake of those after that generation, they will make the right decision..