Hundred Fifty Heaney Lot

Seamus Heaney is an Irish poet. He writes about childhood experiences in his poems, especially the two entitled ‘Digging’ and ‘Follower’. These are the two I am required to study for my coursework, so I thought maybe there would be some information on this website. However, it turns out that I have to write at least two words so that’s what I am doing right now. I hope they let me get through because it is very important to me! ! But two hundred and fifty is quite a lot of words when you really have nothing to say. So here’s my recommendation – if you are studying this, look on different websites.

I’m sure I am not going to find anything on this website because it seems so inadequate. Still over another hundred to go – well, I bet I could do this a lot easier with something interesting to write about. Did you know that Heaney’s father, grandfather etc. used to dig for a living and Heaney was the first to use education? How interesting. It is when you need it for school.

Ahh. School. I can’t say what I want to say about it but I’ll say something politely – it’s worse than prison. At least in prison they don’t get over three hours of homework a day. Well that seems to be almost two hundred and fifty. I doubt I’ll get away with it but it’s worth a try.

What happened to the days when people helped you with coursework without worrying about themselves first? Were there those days anyway? I’ve done my job. See you. Or maybe I won’t.