Ibm Token Rings Pxe Pci Adapter

Version: 3. 17 PXE 2 The downloadable file in this package is a self-extracting diskette image file containing the PCI Flash utility. PCI Flash is a tool that will update the microcode and RPL/DHCP code stored on the IBM PCI Token-Ring adapter to the latest supported levels. In addition, an alternate PCI Flash utility is available for download that will ‘downgrade’ the PXE code from PXE 2 to PXE 1. PXE 1 or PXE 2? The choice to use PXE 1 or PXE 2 as the remote boot protocol for clients depends on the remote boot application being used. Remote Boot Application Recommended PXE Version for Client Adapters IBM LAN Client Control Manager (LCC M) V 2.

5. 1 PXE 1 or PXE 2 IBM Workspace on Demand (WOOD) V 2. 0 PXE 1 Microsoft Remote Installation Service (RIS) RC 3 PXE 1 On Now Technology CCM V 4. 5 PXE 1 Since the original IBM PCI Token-Ring Adapter does not support PXE, it does not matter which flash utility diskette is used to flash update that card – 1.

eye or 2. eye. Installation Instructions: 1. Download the self-extracting diskette image file 2. eye to the hard drive and directory of your choice. 2.

Execute 2. eye to create the PCI Flash diskette. (As long 2. eye can fit onto a diskette, you can use diskettes to move copies of the 2. eye diskette image file from one machine to another or from one office location to another. However, do not attempt to actually 2.

eye from the diskette or else it will post a source / destination conflict error message. ) 3. After creating the diskette, place the diskette into the A: drive of the computer containing the IBM PCI Token-Ring adapter and reboot the system. TheIBMFLASH. EXE program on the diskette will locate the installed IBM PCI Token-Ring Adapter (s) and update the microcode and RPL/DHCP code on it (them).

Fixes in this Package: May 4, 2000 – Version 3. 17 PXE 2 contains the following changes over the previously released version, Version 3. 16 a: – Support added for the newly-announced IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter- Microcode image files for adapters that support PXE have been upgraded toP XE 2. PXE 1 versions of microcode are available via a separate PCIFLSH 1 utility download.

– Fix for IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter active monitor function. See table below for more details. Notes about IBM PCI Token-Ring adapter microcode versions and the PCIFlashutility: 1. Unique microcode versions are required for the PCI Token-Ring Adapter and the PCI Wake on LAN Token-Ring Adapter. The ‘W’ for the fifth digit of the microcode version signifies that the microcode is for the PCI Wake on LAN Token-Ring Adapter. 2.

For the PCI Token-Ring Adapter (non Wake On LAN version), two unique versions of microcode exist to support the presence of flash modules on the adapter from two possible flash suppliers. 3. The PCI Flash utility determines the type of adapter present and the type of flash module on the adapter and automatically selects the appropriate microcode image file for programming into the adapter flash. 4. Beginning with PCI Flash Version 3. 17, the seventh digit of the microcode version now indicates the PXE version supported by the microcode.

A ‘1’s ignifies PXE 1 while a ‘2’s ignifies PXE 2. 5. Note that the original IBM PCI Token-Ring Adapter does not support PXE/DHCP remote boot.