TRANSPARENT HEARTS I picked the transparent hearts because I believe you have to be clear and honest to be true to the people you serve. After many hours of debating on the name of my political party I came up with this name. I think it ideally describes the matters and the way the party will address things. The transparent part is so people can see right through to your inner core. The heart is so people can relate to you and your vision.
Also so they can see how you work and what motivates you. What is important to my party is gun rights (Right to own), free college and . Gun ownership is the 2 nd amendment and the right to bare arms. Yes the idea is very old and dates back to the colonial times where it was expected to defend your family and property by firearms but times have changed but defending your self isn’t. In today’s society criminals still lurk in the shadows and thieves are still in existence.
If left unattended your hard worked for cash or items of value are still at risk 24/7. It hasn’t changed that much in human behavior where the total elimination of firearms is possible. Free education (college) would be our second major platform issue. We believe that college should be free because it is a necessity to survive in today’s society.
To make a decent living (A house, a good car, financial stability) one has to have at least a Bachelor’s degree in something to compete with the ever educating population. College shouldn’t be an option it should be mandatory for all that wish to live in the U. S. If the entire country was highly educated we might be rid of the crime mostly and the poverty for sure. Our title as the superpower in the world would definitely be unchallenged. Our technology would far surpass the rest of the world’s and our population would become fit.
Our 3 rd and final key issue is free health care for all. Everybody has a right to live as long as they possibly can, not just those that can afford to. It’s as if our society is saying if you have money you can live longer for those who don’t too bad. How does that affect one’s self worth or value? Knowing that your own government has to no qualms about leaving you out to die just to “save.” Then spend the very same “saved” money on something like national defense. We have an overabundance of drugs in this country that can utilized instead of shelved. It would also show a more accurate picture of certain drugs’ ability to heal or hurt more rapidly because of the ongoing usage too.
Our main audience or key voters are the young college students, NRA activists, and the elderly which almost guarantees a victory since those are the two largest voting groups out there. The college students would really be involved due to the free education and health care because that means they could go to school and not find a job just for the benefits. The seniors would be almost a certain victory because they are the largest voting group and they always vote in elections. The NRA activists is the last of our key audiences and the reason they would be so interested is because the 2 nd amendment is constantly up for debate and with my party in office that would be a battle that would instantly be won for them.